Gustavo Garcia
Critical edition of the 19th–century Bolivian novel Juan de la Rosa. Memoirs of the last soldier of the independence movement by Nataniel Aguirre. This is the first annotated edition of the novel that is considered the best in Bolivian literature. This is published in Spanish as seen in the citation below:
Juan de la Rosa. Memorias del último soldado de la independencia de Nataniel Aguirre. Edición crítica. La Paz: Plural Ediciones, 2010.
Latin American Testimonial Literature. (Re)presentation and (self)construction of the subaltern subject. This is a book that examines testimonial literature using examples from Bolivia, Guatemala and Peru. This is published in Spanish as seen in the citation below:
La literatura testimonial latinoamericana. (Re)presentación y (auto)construcción del sujeto subalterno, Madrid: Editorial Pliegos, 2003.