Interviewing on campus
We are equipped to host your company for on-campus interviews in private interview rooms almost anytime during our academic year. Occasionally, such as the day after a career fair, we need to host some companies in semi-private conference interview rooms. We can coordinate your schedule for you, helping you preselect candidates prior to your visit. We can also set you up to interview via Microsoft Teams.
For more information contact: Dawn Miller, RHIT Career Services Recruiting Manager, 812-877-8212.
Tell our students about your company
Build recognition for your company on our campus by educating our students about the work that you do and the opportunities that you have. The Career Services team can reserve space on campus for you to conduct information sessions to meet our students and promote your opportunities. We’ll help you get the word out to students, and connect you to people that can provide refreshments for your event if you choose.
Information sessions can be done near the time of Career Fair events, in conjunction with on-campus interviews, or at any other time of the year that you would like to visit campus. To schedule an Information Session, submit a request through your Handshake account or contact Dawn Miller at 812-877-8212 with the following details:
- Requested date
- Requested time
- Brief Description
- Majors Recruiting
- Work Authorization