Rose-Hulman Awarded Funds to Host One State / One Story Community Read

Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology will be part of the statewide One State / One Story: All That She Carried book read through a Community Read grant from Indiana Humanities. (photo credit: Stephanie Mitchell)
Rose-Hulman has been awarded a Community Read grant of $750 from Indiana Humanities to participate in a statewide read of All That She Carried: The Journey of Ashley’s Sack, a Black Family Keepsake written by Tiya Miles. Twenty-nine other communities in Indiana will also be participating in One State / One Story programs over the course of the coming year.
Rose-Hulman, through the joint efforts of the Logan Library and the Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging, will host several community programs tied to the book during Fall 2024, including a book discussion. RHIT also received books and assorted materials like bookmarks and posters to promote the programs. The grant funding will be used for a variety of purposes, including hosting a speaker and other community-wide events.
In 2024, the One State / One Story programming focuses on two books: All That She Carried by Tiya Miles and Freedom Over Me by Ashley Bryan. The two books will engage communities in thinking, reading, and talking about history and memory and how engaging with our nation’s past can help us understand contemporary injustices and strive for racial equity.
“We are excited to launch our fourth One State / One Story program with such engaging programming ideas from our Community Read hosts,” said Keira Amstutz, president and CEO of Indiana Humanities. “We are sure that this year will bring important, insightful conversations to communities across the state.
“We are thrilled to center the exceptional work of Dr. Tiya Miles, whose award-winning writing foregrounds the important intersections of history, fiction, material and popular culture, and crafts with understanding oppression and racism in the United States. Telling our stories and focusing on the stories of those who came before us will help us continue to shape the future we want to see.” said Dr. Amanda Jo Hobson, associate director of the Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging.
One State / One Story is an initiative designed by Indiana Humanities, in partnership with the Indiana State Library and Indiana Center for the Book, to encourage Hoosiers to read and engage deeply with a book as part of a statewide conversation tied to Indiana Humanities’ current initiatives.