CSSE232 : Computer Architecture I

1: Thu Sep 05 1

  • Introduction
    • Read Ch 1 (esp. 1.1-1.3, 1.11)
  • Course Overview
    • Read A.2, A.3 (decoder/multiplexor) ; 2.4; 3.1-3.2
    • Practice A.11; 2.6
  • HW1 review (due Mon Sep 09)
  • Note: HWs are always due at class time. There is one shared gradescope for all sections, so the due time on gradescope may not reflect the correct time for all sections.

2: Fri Sep 06 1

  • RISC-V green sheet
  • Intro to RISC-V assembly
    • Read 2.1-2.3
    • Practice 2.1-2.4; 2.7-2.8
  • RISC-V R-types
    • Arithmetic operations
    • Logical operations
    • Read 2.6
    • Practice 2.17-18,20
  • HW2 compiling c into assembly (due Tue Sep 10)

3: Mon Sep 09 1

  • RISC-V I-types
    • Read 2.10 (Important reading)
  • HW3 assembling instructions (due Thu Sep 12)
  • Due: * HW1

4: Tue Sep 10 1

5: Thu Sep 12 2

  • RISC-V Branches and Jumps
    • Read 2.7
    • Practice 2.21-22; 2.24; 2.27-28
  • HW4 loops (due Mon Sep 16)
  • Due: * HW3

6: Fri Sep 13 2

  • Pseudoinstructions
    • Read 2.12 "Assembler" section
  • HW5 pseudoinstructions (due Tue Sep 17)

7: Mon Sep 16 2

8: Tue Sep 17 2

9: Thu Sep 19 3

10: Fri Sep 20 3

11: Mon Sep 23 3

12: Tue Sep 24 3

13: Thu Sep 26 4

14: Fri Sep 27 4

15: Mon Sep 30 4

16: Tue Oct 01 4

17: Thu Oct 03 5

18: Fri Oct 04 5

19: Mon Oct 07 5

20: Tue Oct 08 5

21: Mon Oct 14 6

22: Tue Oct 15 6

23: Thu Oct 17 6

24: Fri Oct 18 6

25: Mon Oct 21 7

26: Tue Oct 22 7

27: Thu Oct 24 7

28: Fri Oct 25 7

29: Mon Oct 28 8

30: Tue Oct 29 8

31: Thu Oct 31 8

32: Fri Nov 01 8

33: Mon Nov 04 9

34: Tue Nov 05 9

35: Thu Nov 07 9

36: Fri Nov 08 9

37: Mon Nov 11 10

38: Tue Nov 12 10

39: Thu Nov 14 10

40: Fri Nov 15 10