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 Project 1
 Project 2
 Grading plan
 Present a paper
 Your research
 Project 2

Research idea:  Lepinski describes how one might interleave computation and the resulting decisions in the traveling salesperson problem (TSP).  Can we apply similar ideas to machine game-playing?

Articles that we will read and discuss:

  1. The quality-time tradeoff for the traveling salesperson problem, by Matt Lepinski.
  2. Some article on anytime algorithms???
  3. ???

Schedule (TENTATIVE):  Each section has two groups.  Each group meets twice a week.
Group 1 will meet on Monday & Thursday, except as noted.
Group 2 will meet on Tuesday & Friday, except at noted.
The following schedule begins in Week 7.

  1. Lepinski senior thesis, presentation and discussion.
  2. Other article, presentation and discussion.
    Summary discussion.  Begin developing the project details.
  3. Complete development of project details.
  4. Team meeting (work on project).
  5. Status report.
  6. Status report.
  7. Status report.
  8. Final reports (oral presentation)
    (all, Thursday and Friday, both 8th and 9th periods where possible).

Paper presentations:  the team of six will be divided into [details later].

Final reports:  the team of six will be divided into two trios.  One trio will deliver an oral presenation, while the other delivers a written presentation.