Dan Anastasio

Dr. Dan Anastasio joined the Chemical Engineering Department at Rose-Hulman in 2015. He specializes in membrane-based separations methods, including reverse and forward osmosis, as well as novel instructional methods such as game-based learning. He collaborates with a multi-institution team of educators to develop Contents Under Pressure, a video game designed to promote process safety decision-making in students. His other research activities involve development of novel undergraduate laboratory experiments. Dr. Anastasio currently serves as co-director of Rose-Hulman's Project SELECT summer camp. His previous professional experience includes research and development activities at Unilever.

Academic Degrees

  • PhD, University of Connecticut, 2015
  • BS, University of Connecticut, 2009

Awards & Honors

  • David Himmelblau Award for Innovations in Computer-Based Chemical Engineering Education, AIChE CAST Division, 2023
  • Raymond W. Fahien Award for Outstanding Teaching Effectiveness & Educational Scholarship, ASEE ChemE Division, 2023
  • William H. Corcoran Award for Best Paper in Chemical Engineering Education Journal, ASEE ChemE Division, 2021
  • North American Membrane Society Education Innovation Fellowship, 2020 - 2022

Research Experiences

  • Game-Based Learning
  • Membrane Separations
  • Educational Tool Development
  • Sustainability Pedagogy

Select Publications & Presentations

  • 3D-Printed Modular Membrane Frames for Student Projects & Class Demonstrations - D Anastasio, M Tousley, H Chenette - 2023 AIChE Annual Meeting, 2023.
  • What's Happening in Lab? Multi-Dimensional Assessment Tools to Track Student Experience through a Unit Operations Course - H Chenette, G Neumann, D Anastasio - Chemical Engineering Education, 2021
  • Revealing the Decision-Making Processes of Chemical Engineering Students in Process Safety Contexts - C Bodnar, E Dringenberg, B Butler, D Burkey, D Anastasio, M Cooper - Chemical Engineering Education, 2020
  • Engineers at Play: Games as Teaching Tools in Undergraduate Engineering Education - CA Bodnar, D Anastasio, JA Enszer, DD Burkey - Journal of Engineering Education, 2016.
  • Impact of Temperature on Power Density for Closed-Loop Pressure Retarded Osmosis for Power Generation - D Anastasio, J Arena, E Cole, J McCutcheon - Journal of Membrane Science, 2015

Teaching Interests

  • Fluid Mechanics
  • Separations
  • Process Control
  • Safety & Engineering Ethics
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