Department of Mathematics
Dr. Kyle Claassen
Kyle Claassen
Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Office: Moench FL104
Office Hours (Fall 2024): MTRF 11:00-noon and by appointment.

About Me

I completed my Ph.D. at the University of Kansas in 2018 with Dr. Mathew Johnson and am currently an Assistant Professor of Mathematics at the Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. I am excited about teaching undergraduate mathematics, and I am honored to be the 2018 Project NExT Fellow of the Indiana MAA.

I study the existence and stability of nonlinear waves, particularly for the Fractional Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation and Bidirectional Whitham water wave models. Please see my research page for more information.

Some of my pet projects are mathematical in nature, and a few of these can be found on my "Cool Stuff" page. It's stuff that's pretty cool.