Minor in Artificial Intelligence

Multidisciplinary Minor in Cognitive Science

Multidisciplinary Minor in Data Science

Multidisciplinary Minor in Entrepreneurial Studies

Multidisciplinary Minor in Imaging



Minor in Internet of Things

Minor in Materials Science and Engineering

Multidisciplinary Minor in Robotics

Multidisciplinary Minor in Six Sigma

Minor in Sustainability

Multidisciplinary Minor in Systems Engineering



Advisor: Michael Wollowski

Students of any major may receive the Artificial Intelligence minor.

Required Coursework

Prerequisites: CSSE120, CSSE220, CSSE230

Basics: CSSE313 Artificial Intelligence.

Machine Learning: At least one of: CSSE415/MA415 Machine Learning or MA416 Deep Learning

Advanced Topics: At least 8 credits selected from CSSE453 Topics in AI, CSSE463 Image Recognition, or any upper level CSSE or MA course with a significant AI content and approved by the AI minor advisor.

Ethics: PHIL H202 Business & Engineering Ethics.

AI Project: A project with a significant AI component is required. This may be done in any discipline. Projects must be approved by the AI minor advisor. Projects must include both a written report and a public presentation, and be made available for future use. Students may meet this requirement in three ways: (1) A student may complete a 4-credit independent study, approved by the AI minor advisor; (2) A student may begin the project in a course and then extend and document the project and make a public presentation during an independent study approved by the AI minor advisor; (3) A student may complete an approved senior thesis or project involving AI and substitute a senior thesis or project course for the independent study.

Note: At most 8 credits of the AI course work (Basics, Machine Learning, and Advanced Topics) can be used to satisfy degree requirements for any major or any other minor sought by the student. The remaining credit hours can only be used to satisfy technical or free electives within the primary major.


The Multidisciplinary Minor in Cognitive Science has the following requirements:

  1. Cognitive Psychology (PSYC S210)
  2. Introduction to Software Development (CSSE 120) 
  3. Philosophy of Mind (PHIL H401) or Philosophy of Science (PHIL H402) or Human Nature (PHIL H403). The chosen course may not also satisfy requirement #4.
  4. Three additional courses from the list below. At least two courses must be from the same group. 
  5. Substitutions may be made with the approval of the Minor Advisor.


Mind and Behavior group

  • ECON S356 Game Theory
  • PHIL H401 Philosophy of Mind
  • PHIL H403 Human Nature
  • PSYC S100 Introduction to Psychology
  • PSYC S110 Applied Psychology
  • PSYC S310 Methods for Studying Human Behavior

Computation and Artificial Intelligence group

  • CSSE 313 Artificial Intelligence
  • CSSE 314 Bio-Inspired Artificial Intelligence
  • CSSE 453 Topics in Artificial Intelligence
  • CSSE 463 Image Recognition
  • ECE 497 Evolutionary Robotics
  • PSYC S410 Computational Psychology
  • MA 416/CSSE 416 Deep Learning

Neuroscience group

  • BE 324 Neural and Endocrine Systems Physiology with Applications
  • BE 520 Introduction to Brain Machine Interfaces
  • BE 543 Neuroprosthetics

Any student may obtain a Multidisciplinary Minor in Data Science by taking the following courses:

Introductory Statistics Course (4 credit hours):
One of the following courses

  • MA223 Engineering Statistics I
  • MA382 Introduction to Statistics with Probability

Introductory Computer Science Courses (8 credit hours):

  • CSSE120 Introduction to Software Development
  • CSSE220 Object Oriented Software Development

Electives (16 credit hours):
Two courses from the list below:

  • MA386 Statistical Programming
  • MA384 Data Mining
  • CSSE230 Data Structures & Algorithm Analysis

A minimum of two additional course from the list below: (See degree separation requirement below.)

  • BMTH312 Bioinformatics
  • CSSE313 Artificial Intelligence
  • CSSE314 Bio-Inspired Artificial Intelligence
  • CSSE315 Natural Language Processing
  • CSSE333 Database Systems
  • CSSE/MA415 Machine Learning
  • CSSE/MA416 Deep Learning
  • CSSE433 Advanced Database Systems
  • CSSE434 Introduction to the Hadoop Ecosystem
  • CSSE463 Image Recognition
  • CSSE481 Web-Based Info Systems
  • CSSE335/MA335 Introduction to Parallel Computing
  • ECON S451 Econometrics
  • MA384 Data Mining
  • MA386 Statistical Programming
  • MA482 Biostatistics
  • MA483 Bayesian Data Analysis
  • MA485 Applied Linear Regression
  • PH327 Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics

Notes and limitations on requirements:

  • Degree Separation Requirement: The Multidisciplinary Minor in Data Science must be separated from any other minor and the named required courses of any major by a minimum of 16 credit hours. Exceptions to this requirement must be approved by the minor advisor for Data Science and the heads of both the Department of Mathematics and the Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering.
  • Electives not listed above may be substituted with other courses with the approval of the minor advisor for Data Science.
  • The minor plan of study must be approved by the minor advisor for Data Science and the student’s advisor. 


In a globally competitive environment, the need to rapidly transition from an innovative idea to a viable product necessitates that 21st Century engineers and scientists think and act in an entrepreneurial manner. Not everyone must be interested in starting a technology-based company, but it is important to understand the business requirements of technology commercialization. These skills help students become leaders.

To prepare students for this new workplace, the Department of Engineering Management offers a minor in Entrepreneurial Studies to complement their undergraduate technical education. The five course curriculum (20 credits) introduces students to the fundamentals of an entrepreneurial mindset.

Two required courses (total of 8 credits):

EMGT 330 - Introduction to Engineering Management
EMGT 432 or 532 - Technical Entrepreneurship

Three elective courses (total of 12 credits) from the following:

EMGT 100 - Introduction to Entrepreneurship
EMGT 175 - Personal Finance
EMGT M520 - Accounting for Technical Managers
EMGT M521 - Financial Management in a Technical Envoronment
EMGT M523 - Marketing in New Product Development
EMGT 526 - Innovation Management & Forecasting
EMGT E527 - Project Management
ECON S151 - Introduction to Microeconomics
ECON S152 - Introduction to Macroeconomics
ECON S352 - Corporate Finance
ECON S350 - International Trade & Globalization
ECON S355 - International Finance
PHIL H202 - Business and Engineering Ethics

Note: There are no prerequisites for the EMGT courses, but the HSSA courses have prerequisites. Please refer to the course catalog.

With approval from the Department Head of Engineering Management, course substitutions may be considered to align with a student’s professional aspirations. No more than one course may be transferred in to count toward the minor.


Imaging concerns the collection, manipulation, analysis, generation, understanding and processing of images. It includes computer graphics, computer vision, optical imaging and filtering, signal processing and aspects of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Imaging is used across all areas of science and engineering, for example, in the vision systems in self-driving cars, in robotics, and in automating medical diagnostics, even to the point of detecting a person’s pulse from a video of their face. 

Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology offers a multidisciplinary minor in imaging. The minor requires 24 credits (6 courses): three required courses and three imaging electives from the list below. Since imaging is a multidisciplinary minor, at least 12 of the 24 credits must be courses that are not named required courses for the student’s major. 

Students choose a track to pursue. Each track allows the student to gain depth in a different area. Each has its own required courses and suggested electives (although any electives from the list below are acceptable).

Track 1: ​ Medical Imaging
Expected majors: ​ BE, EE, CPE, PH, OE, EP
Required courses: ​ ECE584/BE541/OE584, ECE480, BE321 or ECE380
Plus three electives from the Imaging Electives list below.
Recommended electives: ​ BE435/OE435, MA439, CSSE463  

Track 2: ​ Image Recognition
Expected majors: ​ CS, SE, PH/OE/EP, EE/CPE, MA, ME
Required courses: ​ ECE582/OE537, CSSE463, CSSE/MA416 Deep Learning
Plus three electives from the Imaging Electives list below.
Recommended electives: ​ CSSE/MA415 Machine Learning, ECE480/OE437, CSSE461

Track 3: ​ Acquisition of Images
Expected majors: ​ ECE, PHOE, BE 
Required courses:  ​ ECE480/OE437, PH405, OE295  
Plus three electives from the Imaging Electives list below.
Recommended electives: ​ OE480, OE392

Track 4: ​ Creative Imaging
Expected majors: ​ CS/SE, ECE, MA
Required courses: ​ ARTS H244, CSSE351, ECE480
Plus three electives from the Imaging Electives list below.
Recommended electives: ​ ARTS H142, ARTS H242, MA323

Imaging Electives (choose any 12 credits that are not required for your track, as long as at least 12 of the 24 credits for the minor are not named, required courses for your major)

ARTS H142 Beginning Drawing

ARTS H242 Visual Arts in Civilization

ARTS H244 Design and Color

BE321 Biomedical Signal Processing or ECE380 Discrete-Time Signal Processing (only one can be taken as a minor elective)

BE435/OE435 Biomedical Optics

CSSE313 Artificial Intelligence  

CSSE351 Computer Graphics

CSSE/MA416 Deep Learning

CSSE/MA415 Machine Learning

CSSE451 Advanced Computer Graphic

CSSE461 Computer Vision

CSSE463 Image Recognition

ECE480/OE437 Introduction to Image Processing

ECE580 Digital Signal Processing

ECE582/OE537 Advanced Image Processing

ECE584/BE541/OE584 Medical Imaging Systems

MA323 Geometric Modeling

MA371 Linear Algebra or MA373 Applied Linear Algebra

MA439 Mathematical Methods of Image Processing

NE406/NE506 Semiconductor Devices & Fabrication

OE295 Photonics Devices and Systems

OE392 Linear Optical Systems 

OE480/OE580 Optical System Design

OE592 Fourier Optics and Applications

PH431 Advanced Observational Astronomy (2cr)

Any special topics course or independent study in any major that involves imaging (must be approved by the Imaging Program Director). 


Internet of Things (IoT) is a broad field of study which has applications across many disciplines.  The technologies which enable IoT range from material science for sensors and energy harvesting applications to complex real-time analysis of large, aggregated data sets.  This encompasses fields such as embedded system design, sensor design, energy harvesting and storage, networking, wireless communications, distributed systems, databases, edge and cloud computing, machine learning, data analysis, security, and privacy.  The applications for Internet of Things include agricultural monitoring and automation, infrastructure monitoring, traffic monitoring and control, environmental monitoring, smart retail logistics, industrial monitoring and automation, smart homes, smart cities, mobile health, and intelligent environments.

Students in any degree program are eligible for the minor.  To earn the Minor in Internet of Things, a student must complete a minimum of 24 credit hours in a course plan approved by an internet of things minor advisor.


Required Courses

For ECE/CSSE majors : ECE 436 Internet of Things (4 cr)  

For all other majors : MDS 210 Introduction to Internet of Things (4 cr)

Plus 20 additional credit hours in a plan approved by one of the minor advisors in collaboration with the student to suit their particular interests and field of study.  To provide students with a breadth of knowledge in the Internet of Things, this plan should include courses in the areas of: (1) hardware design of end devices, including sensors and actuation; (2) software design and data analysis; and (3) networks and security.  The guidelines are designed to be flexible to accommodate students from any major; the tables below provide some examples of courses which fit these categorizations.  No more than 8 credit hours from a named required course for the student’s major may be counted toward the minor requirements.

A sampling of courses which could be used to satisfy minor requirements  This is not an exhaustive list. Students may propose alternate courses which align with the intent of this minor.

Hardware design - include at least one course in this category 





Circuits, Sensors, and Measurements



Biosignal Processing



Process Control


CHE405 / ECE416 / EP410 / ME416  

Introduction To Mems: Fabrication & Applications (cross-listed)  



Electronics for Scientists


CSSE435 / ME435  

Robotics Engineering (cross-listed)  



Introduction to Embedded Systems


EP408 / EP508

Microsensors and Actuators



Appropriate Technology for Developing Communities



Mechatronic Systems


Software design and data analysis  - include at least one course in this category








Numerical Methods for Chemical Engineers



Process Analytics



Data Mining with Programming


MA335 / CSSE335

Introduction to Parallel Computing (cross-listed)



Data Mining



Visualizing Data


Networks and security  - include at least one course in this category





Introduction to Computer Systems


CSSE140 / CSSE141  

Practical Security I / II  



Foundations Of Cybersecurity  



Computer Networks



Communication Systems



Communication Networks


MA479 / CSSE479



As is the case with any minor at Rose-Hulman, the Institute does not guarantee to any student that the courses that fulfill the minor will be available in all quarters to suit the student’s plan of study.


Materials science and engineering is a broad field of study.  As the name implies, it encompasses foundational knowledge from the sciences (e.g. physics, chemistry, and biology) and it includes the engineering application of this knowledge to create new materials and to select, modify, and combine existing materials in novel and useful ways. Developments in materials science and engineering are critical to success in many areas of science and technology. The relationship between the structure, processing, and properties of materials is central to the discipline, and therefore the courses in this minor teach students about one or more of these areas. Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology offers a Minor in Materials Science and Engineering to recognize students who have gained experience in these areas while at Rose-Hulman. Students in any degree program are eligible for this minor, except students working toward the minor in Solid State Physics/Materials Science.

To earn the Minor in Materials Science and Engineering, a student must complete a minimum of 24 credit hours according to the guidelines below.  These guidelines are designed to be flexible in order to accommodate students from different majors across the Institute. Consequently, some courses are listed in multiple categories even though any given course may only be counted once toward the minor. In some cases, a prerequisite may be waived if the instructor determines that the student has sufficient background knowledge from previous coursework taken in other departments. Prerequisites are included for reference but are subject to change; the course catalog contains the official prerequisites. 

(1) One of the following introductory courses (or course sequences):





BE 233
BE 315

Biomaterials &

Biomedical Engineering Lab




BE 232, BE 233,
BE 314*

CHE 315

Materials Science and Engineering


CHEM 115

ME 328

Materials Engineering


CHEM 111


(2) A total of 20 additional credit hours from one or both of the following categories. Any course required for a student’s major (excluding elective courses required for the major, and other exceptions as specified in the footnotes) does not count toward these 20 credit hours, nor does any course taken to satisfy requirement (1) above.
(i) A minimum of 12 credit hours of the following elective courses:





BE 233




BE 560

Tissue-Biomaterial Interactions 1


BE 361**

BE 597 &
Other BE

Special Topics, requires approval of minor advisor 1


May count more than one relevant course toward minor

CE 320

Civil Engineering Materials 2



CHE 315

Materials Science and Engineering 3


CHEM 115

CHE 441

Polymer Engineering


CHE 404***, and CHEM 251**

CHE 515

Nanomaterials Science & Engineering


CHE 315** or ME 328**

CHEM 581

Polymer Chemistry 1


CHEM 252, junior class standing. Offered every 2-3 years

CHEM 582

Physical Properties of Polymeric Materials 1


CHEM 361 or CHEM 360; Offered every 2-3 years

CHEM 270 &
CHEM 470
& CHEM 570

 Special Topics in Chemistry


May count more than one relevant course toward minor

ECE 416 

Introduction to MEMS: Fabrication &

Applications (cross-listed with CHE

405, EP 410, and ME 416) 


Junior or Senior class standing





ECE 419 

Advanced MEMS: Modeling &

Packaging (cross-listed with CHE 419 and EP 411) 


EP 410 or equivalent course

ECE 543 

Electromagnetic Metamaterials


ECE 341

EP 280

Intro to Nano-Engineering



EP 330 

Material Failure


PH 112

EP 380

Nanotechnology, Entrepreneurship & Ethics


EP 280

ME 328 

Materials Engineering 3


CHEM 111

ME 414

Materials Selection in Mechanical Design  1


EM 204 

ME 423 

Fatigue  1


EM 204

ME 424 

Mechanics of Composites  1


EM 204 and ME 328

ME 428 

Materials Research and Instrumentation  1


CHEM 111 and Jr Standing

ME 517 

Mechanics of Metal Forming  1


EM 204

ME 497 &
Other ME

Special Topics, requires approval of minor advisor. 1


May count more than one relevant course toward minor

OE 360 

Optical Materials


PH 255 and PH 316

PH 255 

Foundations of Modern Physics


PH 113 and MA 211*

PH 405 

Semiconductor Materials & Applications


PH 113 or PH 255 or PH 265

PH 407 

Solid State Physics


PH 255 or PH 265

PH 440 

X-rays and Crystalline Materials


PH 255 or PH 265

With permission of a minor advisor, up to four credit hours of

PH 113


EM 204


BE 222

Physics III 4


Statics & Mechanics of Materials II  4


Mechanics of Materials  4


PH 112 and MA 112 and MA 113*


EM 121


BE 132

With permission of a minor advisor, up to four credit hours of independent study and/or self-directed research

≤ 4



1 Tentative plans for electives can be found on department-specific my.rose-hulman.edu pages.

2 CE majors may count CE 320 toward fulfillment of the minor even though it is in category (2)

3 CHE 315 and ME 328 cannot both count toward fulfillment of the minor

4 PH 113 or EM 204 or BE 222 cannot be taken as a terminal course. A materials elective that requires  PH 113 or EM 204 or BE 222 as a prerequisite must also be taken in fulfillment of minor requirements.

    *corequisite course; **consent of instructor; *** or concurrent registration


(ii) A maximum of 8 credit hours of the following elective courses that focus on mechanics of materials:





EM 505 

Theory of Elasticity


EM 203 or EM 204

ME 422 

Finite Elements for Engineering Applications


EM 204

ME 522 

Advanced Finite Element Analysis


ME 422

CE 523

Advanced Solid Mechanics


Grad or Consent of instructor

The Departments of Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, and Biology and Biomedical Engineering each have their own Materials Science and Engineering minor advisor.


Robotics is a fast-growing field that is inherently multidisciplinary, incorporating mechanical systems, electrical systems, and software. It includes mobile robotics, mechatronics, and assistive technologies. Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology offers a multidisciplinary minor in robotics to recognize students who have gained experience in these areas while at Rose-Hulman. 

To earn the Multidisciplinary Minor in Robotics, a student needs to complete the three courses listed below plus additional courses listed below per the student’s major.

Courses that all majors must complete [12 credit hours]

  • CSSE120 Introduction to Software Development 1,2
  • ME435/CSSE435 Robotics Engineering
  • ECE425 Introduction to Mobile Robotics

  Note for ME and BE students: CSSE120 can be used as a course substitution for the required introduction to programming course (ME123 or BE100).  However, ME and BE students may take both the required class AND CSSE120.  CSSE120 will then count as a free elective.
  Note for ENGD students: CSSE120 is taught within ENGD 110/120.

In addition to the courses listed above students completing the robotics minor need to complete the courses below that apply to their major. (Students with a double major or double degree may choose which major to use.  If a student decides to switch majors, that student must complete a track below appropriate for their final degree.  These degree requirements are evaluated only at the time of your graduation.)

(1)   CS and SE majors - Additional required courses:

  • ME430 Mechatronic Systems
  • 8 credits of Robo Electives (see list below)

(2)  CPE majors - Additional required courses:

  • CSSE463 Image Recognition
  • ECE320 Linear Control Systems 3
  • 8 credits of Robo Electives (see list below)

Note, the list of additional required CPE courses appears to be 1 course longer than other tracks, but CPE students are required to take either Linear Control Systems (ECE320) or Discrete-Time Signals and Systems (ECE380) already, so the requirement to take ECE320 should not cause the CPE track to be any longer.

(3)  EE majors - Additional required courses:

  • CSSE220 Object-Oriented Software Development
  • 8 credits of Robo Electives (see list below)

(4) ME majors - Additional required courses:

  • CSSE220 Object-Oriented Software Development
  • ME404 Advanced Design of Mechanisms -or- ME445 Robot Dynamics and Control
  • ME406 Control Systems 4
  • 4 credits of Robo Electives (see list below)

4Note, the list of additional required ME courses appears to be 1 course longer than other tracks, but ME students are required to take either Control Systems (ME406) or Vibration Analysis (EM406) already, so the requirement to take ME406 should not cause the ME track to be any longer.

(5) ENGD majors - Additional required courses:

  • ES214 Mechanical Systems
  • ES205 Analysis and Design of Engineering Systems
  • ME406 Controls
  • ME430 Mechatronic Systems
  • MDS410/20/30 Multidisciplinary Capstone - ENGD majors should select projects that build on robotics learning from earlier courses.

(6) For majors not listed above - Additional required courses:

  • CSSE220 Object-Oriented Software Development
  • ME430 Mechatronic Systems
  • BE350 or ECE 320 or ME 406 [or a Controls course from any major] 5
  • 4 credits of Robo Electives (see list below)

5 For BE majors, a controls course will fill an area requirement.  So, much like the ME track, the requirement to have a controls course should not cause this track to be longer for BE majors than tracks for other majors.

Robotics Electives

Students choose Robotics Electives from the list below subject to the restrictions that a student’s Robotics Elective courses(s) cannot be any course listed above as an additional required course for the student’s major, and cannot be a course listed as a named requirement for the student’s major.

  • BE350 Biocontrol Systems
  • BE520 Brain Machine Interfaces
  • BE543 Neuroprosthetics
  • CSSE286 Machine Learning
  • CSSE313 Artificial Intelligence
  • CSSE480 Cross Platform Development
  • CSSE461 Computer Vision
  • CSSE463 Image Recognition
  • CSSE490 Swarm Intelligence
  • CSSE290/490 Teamwork and Robotics
  • ECE320 Linear Controls
  • ECE300 Continuous Time Signals and Systems
  • ECE414 Wireless Systems
  • ECE420 Discrete-time Control Systems
  • ECE480/PH437 Image Processing
  • ECE483 Digital Signal Processing System Design
  • ECE497 Advanced Mobile Robotics
  • ECE582/OE537 Advanced Image Processing
  • ECE583 Pattern Recognition
  • PHYC S410 Computational Psychology
  • MA/CSSE415 Macihne Learning
  • MA/CSSE416 Deep Learning
  • ME304 Introduction to the Design of Mechanisms
  • ME404 Advanced Design of Mechanisms
  • ME406 Control Systems
  • ME445 Robot Dynamics and Control
  • ME497 Design of Mechanisms I
  • ME497 Design of MEchanisms II
  • ME497 Industrial Controls
  • ME497 Three Dimensional Dynamics
  • ME506 Advanced Control Sys
  • ME518 Advanced Kinematics
  • EM502 Advanced Dynamics
  • EP408 Microsensors
  • CSSE490/ME497/ECE497 Robotics Studio
  • Independent study courses in robotics [requires approval BEFORE the course is taken]


Six Sigma has been incorporated by statewide and national companies involved in manufacturing, health care, and service industries. The Six Sigma process has also been used to address environmental and sustainability concerns, such as recycling and food waste/share programs. This minor is designed for students who are interested in the Six Sigma statistical methodology for process improvement and quality enhancement. Students completing the minor will develop their analytical, managerial, and statistical skills, and gain a competitive advantage in the workplace.

Minor Advisor: Dr. Diane Evans

Six Sigma Minor versus Six Sigma Certification

Any student may obtain a minor in Six Sigma by taking six or more courses (24 credit hours) from the lists below. To additionally obtain a Green Belt Certification, the student must pass an external Six Sigma exam and submit a Six Sigma Green Belt project that must be approved by the Six Sigma minor advisor.

Introductory Statistics Course (4 credit hours):

One of the following courses:

  • MA223 Engineering Statistics I
  • MA382 Introduction to Statistics with Probability

Note: If MA 381 is taken before MA223/MA382, it is strongly recommended the student take MA382 instead of MA223.

Quality and Six Sigma Courses (12 credit hours):

  • EMGT445 Quality Methods
  • EMGT446 Statistical Methods in Six Sigma
  • EMGT447 Six Sigma in Practice

Supporting Coursework (8 credit hours):

Two courses selected from the following list. Courses not on this list may count towards the minor if approved by the minor advisor.

  • EMGT330 Introduction to Engineering Management
  • EMGT335 Design and Value Creation
  • EMGT427 Project Management
  • EMGT462 Risk Analysis and Management
  • EMGT467 Economic Analysis of Engineering Projects
  • EMGT472 Reliability Engineering
  • EMGT E524 Production/Operations Management
  • EMGT E527 Project Management
  • EMGT 548 Six Sigma BoK
  • MA485 Applied Linear Regression
  • MA487 Design of Experiments
  • ME412 Lean Manufacturing

External Examination for Six Sigma Green Belt Certification
     • Take an external exam that will give students an objective credential from a recognized agency (IISE).
     • Students who pass the EMGT548 IISE SSGB exam will be reimbursed for the exam (while funding is available)
     • If the student intends to obtain a minor only, then they do not need to take the external exam.

Approved Six Sigma Green Belt Project for Six Sigma Green Belt Certification
     • The student must submit a Six Sigma Green Belt project to be approved by the Six Sigma advisor to obtain their certification.
     • If the student intends to obtain a minor only, then they do not need to submit a project to be approved by the Six Sigma advisor.

Notes and Limitations on Requirements
1. Almost all students are required to take either MA223 or MA382 as a requirement for their major; therefore, only five "extra courses” are required for most students.
2. Electives not listed above may be substituted with other courses with the approval of the minor advisor for Six Sigma.
3. All minors must be approved by the minor advisor. The department has a form for the planning  and approval of a minor.
4. All certifications must be approved by the minor advisor. The department has a form for the  planning and approval of a certificate.


  1. Core Courses (12 credits)
    1. HUM H130 Introduction to Sustainability (4 credits)
    2. BIO 107 Introduction to Environmental Science (4 credits)
    3. ECON S151 Introduction to Microeconomics (4 credits) or ECON S152 Introduction to Macroeconomics (4 credits)
  2. Three electives (4 credits each = 12 credits) Students must take a total of at least four credits from a list of Cultural and Social courses and at least four credits from a list of Technical and Scientific courses, with the remaining four credits covered in either category. Alternatively, students can design their own plan of study for elective courses that suit their interests and field of study with approval of the Sustainability Minor Advisor. 
    1. Cultural and Social (HSSA requirement)
      ANTH S101 Introduction to Anthropology
      ECON S351 Environmental Economics
      ENGL H349 Nature and Literature
      HIST H322 Disasters and Modern Society
      HIST H425 Cities and Technology in the Industrial Age
      PHIL H201 Bioethics
      PHIL H202 Business and Engineering Ethics
      RELG H201 Nature and Religion
    2. Technical and Scientific (Discipline Specific Tech Elective)
      BIO220 Microbiology (prerequisite: BIO110)
      BIO320 Ecology (prerequisite: BIO130)
      CE250 Sustainable Civil Engineering Design (2 credits)
      CE460 Introduction to Environmental Engineering
      CE471 Water Resources Engineering
      CHE465 Energy and the Environment
      CHEM535 Toxicology for Chemists
      CHEM556 Green Chemistry
      CSSE241 Computing in a Global Society
      ECE371 Sustainable Energy Systems (prerequisite: ECE204)
      EMGT587 Systems Engineering
      ME408 Renewable Energy (prerequisite: ES212
      MDS201 Global Engineering and the Social Context I


Systems Engineering is an engineering discipline whose responsibility is to create and execute an interdisciplinary process to ensure that all system stakeholders' needs are satisfied in a high-quality, trustworthy, cost-efficient, and schedule compliant manner throughout a system's entire life cycle. The field of systems engineering provides a broad spectrum of tools that can be used to help engineers manage complexity, predict and address risk, ensure safety, gather and manage information, and provide solutions with greater value to the intended stakeholders. The Minor in Systems Engineering aims to provide students with a broad exposure to systems engineering concepts and tools. Hence, they are better prepared to integrate knowledge and collaborate effectively across different disciplinary domains to create value for their systems and ensure long-term system success.   

Minor Advisor: Dr. Eva Andrijcic  

Students are required to take the following courses:  

  • EMGT E564 – Systems Architecture
  • EMGT 583 – Management Information Systems
  • EMGT 584 – Systems Thinking and Evaluation

Additionally, students are required to attend three hours of systems-related seminars offered at Rose-Hulman or by an external organization. Examples of appropriate seminars would include INCOSE Great Lakes systems seminars, which are offered virtually every month and are open to students, seminars or presentations offered at Rose-Hulman, which address some aspect of the systems engineering process. Finally, students are required to document their attendance by writing a brief reflection about what they have learned. All three reflections must be reviewed and approved by the minor advisor prior to minor completion.

Students must take additional three courses from the following list of electives:  

  • EMGT 472 – Reliability Engineering
  • EMGT E572 – Reliability Engineering
  • EMGT 427 – Project Management
  • EMGT E527 – Project Management
  • EMGT 497 – Special Topics in Systems Engineering
  • EMGT E561 – Failures of Engineered Systems
  • EMGT 467/567 – Economic Analysis of Engineering Projects
  • EMGT 462/562 – Risk Analysis and Management
  • EMGT E589 – Manufacturing Systems
  • MA 444 – Deterministic Models in Operations Research
  • MA 445 – Stochastic Models in Operations Research
  • ECE 370 – Energy Systems 
  • ME 430 – Mechatronic Systems

Other Engineering Management courses can be considered in completing the minor. Additionally, Special Topics Courses must be approved as SE Minor Electives by SE Minor Advisor and Department Head of Engineering Management.  

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