CSSE 220 – Object-Oriented Software Development
Spring, 2007-08 (a.k.a. 200830)

Prerequisites and Course Content


The formal prerequisite is: CSSE 120 – Introduction to Software Development .
Either the 2007-2008 versions (Python and C) or an earlier version (Java) should suffice.

The main things you should bring into this course include:

Course catalog description

Object-oriented programming concepts, including the use of inheritance, interfaces, polymorphism, abstract data types, and encapsulation to enable software reuse and assist in software maintenance. Recursion, GUIs and event handing. Use of common object-based data structures, including stacks, queues, lists, trees, sets, maps, and hash tables. Space/time efficiency analysis. Testing. Introduction to UML.

CSSE Department's Official Learning Outcomes for CSSE 220

Students who successfully complete this course should be able to:

1. Develop software that incorporates the following techniques:
      a. Inheritance and class hierarchies
      b. Interfaces
      c. Polymorphism
      d. Casting
      e. Exceptions
      f. Function objects
      g. Generics
      h. Collections
      i. Event-driven graphical user interfaces
      j. Exploring and using large-scale API packages such as Java's Swing
      k. Recursion

2. Perform the following steps of the software development cycle effectively:
      a. Design expressed as UML class diagrams
      b. Documentation before coding
      c. Unit and system testing

3. Explain the implementation of sequential and linked lists

4. Analyze the asymptotic worst, best, and average case run times of simple algorithms including search and sort

5. Select basic data structures (e.g. arrays, sequential lists, linked lists, stacks, queues, hash tables and trees) based on the time and space complexity of typical operations.

Course meetings, Contact info, Outside help

Class Meeting Times and Places


Matt Boutell– Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Software Engineering

Email: boutell
Office phone: x8534
Office address: Moench F-224
Home page:
Office hours: I am usually on campus from about 8:00 AM until 5:00 PM. When I am not in class or meetings, I am usually in my office, and happy to talk with you.

Course Assistants

Amanda Stephan stephaap
Tony Ferrell ferrelaj
Molly Richardson richarme
Jon Nibert nibertjw

In addition, any of the lab assistants (below) should be able to help you.

The Big Email Address

If you send mail to, it will go to all instructors and student assistants for the course. You are more likely to get a quick answer by sending to this address than to any of us individually.

Other Sources of Help

The CSSE lab, F-217, should staffed at the following times to assist students taking courses in the CSSE Fundamentals sequence, including 220.

  Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
6th period     Rex Chappell Rex Chappell
7th period     Rex Chappell David Loughry Molly Richardson Rex Chappell
8th period   David Loughry,
David Korff,
Tony Ferrell
David Loughry,
David Korff
David Loughry,
Tony Ferrell
David Loughry,
David Korff,
Molly Richardson
9th period    David Korff,
Tony Ferrell
Rex Chappell,
David Korff
David Loughry,
Tony Ferrell
David Korff,
Molly Richardson
Rex Chappell
10th period   Tony Ferrell Rex Chappell Tony Ferrell   Rex Chappell
7pm–9pm Will Dombrowski,
Mark Jenne
Will Dombrowski,
Mark Jenne 
Corey Kump,
Molly Richardson
Corey Kump,
Molly Richardson
Will Dombrowski,
Mark Jenne

Besides the instructors and assistants, other students in the course can often be a great source of help. And they will learn more if they explain things to you.

Don’t try to be the Lone Ranger in this course, especially if you do not find the course easy. If you find that you have worked on something for 30 minutes without making any progress, it’s probably time to seek help!


Required text

Weiss 3E Cover Art

Data Structures and Problem Solving Using Java, 3rd edition by Mark Allen Weiss
Hardcover: 960 pages
Publisher: Addison Wesley; (February 14, 2005)

Links: Errata     Source code


"From the Source" Reference

Java Logo

The Java™ Tutorials, Sun Microsystems.

Publisher: Sun Microsystems (November 10, 2006)
Language: English

Another rich online source of books for learning and reference

Safari Logo

Safari Books Online – On-line access to Java (and other) books through the Rose-Hulman Logan Library web page


On-line books that may be helpful for CSSE220 include:

How to Access Safari Tech Books Online These on-line books are only accessible from on-campus or via the Rose-Hulman VPN.
Off-campus: See IAIT for more information on connecting to the VPN
                      Once VPN is connected, find Safari Books Online by following these steps:
  1. Go to the Logan Library page. (You can also get there from the Rose-Hulman homepage, by choosing “Logan Library” from the QuickLinks menu.)
  2. On the Logan Library page, go to the Databases drop-down list at the top, and choose Safari Tech Books online.
  3. You may have to click Go.
  4. Look for the books you want. If you don't see any books, click Library near the top of the page.

Course Materials Online

I will  use ANGEL to post grades and materials that require restricted access (like quizzes and homework solutions), All materials for the course will be in ANGEL, linked from ANGEL, or in Subversion repositories that I will create for you. 
Many of the materials in ANGEL are actually links from ANGEL to AFS files, and are thus they are available via several mechanisms for accessing public AFS data. You can get to these materials:

Homework and Projects

When I give a reading assignment, I seriously expect you to read it. In-class discussions will assume that you have done the reading and understood the “easy stuff” before class. You may of course ask about any details that you do not understand. I strongly believe that reading the textbook will help you. (You may possibly be able to “get by” without reading the textbook. But did you come to Rose-Hulman to “get by” or to be the best?).

Often reading assignments will be accompanied by open-book ANGEL quizzes over the basics of the reading, before we discuss the harder parts in class.

Your solutions to programming problems should be well-designed and well-documented. I will suggest working on some programming problems with another person; however I will designate most problems as individual assignments.

I will assign several written homework problems and in-class exercises. They will usually be short thought problems, mathematical analyses, or algorithm-design exercises. I expect you to think through them carefully and write your answers legibly and clearly (if you can’t write it neatly, type it). On some problems, not only the correctness but also the quality of your solution will determine your grade. Some of the problems will be straightforward practice with concepts from the course; others will require creative solutions. Don’t put them off until the last minute!

When problems are designated as allowing you to work with a partner, if you need help finding people to work with, let me know, and I will put you in touch with other students who indicate a similar need. If you do an assignment with someone else, it is your responsibility to not allow anyone’s name (including your own) to be placed on the submitted program if that person does not understand the solution.

Each submitted program file should include your name(s), and a description of the file’s contents in comments at the top of your files. They should have reasonable and consistent comments, style, and indentation. They should not contain lines that are more than 80 characters long (causing wraparound and general illegibility of printouts).

Grades for programming problems will be based on correctness (mostly), efficiency (some), and style.

Late Assignment Policy

Quizzes (reading and in-class) and written assignments must be completed on time if you want credit for them.

However, we all have days when we are extremely busy, or times when a program takes longer to complete than we expect it will. To account for this, I give each student a "late day bank account" that starts with two late days.

  1. Using (withdrawing) a late day allows you to turn in any programming assignment up to 24 hours after the time it is due. It is up to you to turn in work within that time frame, if it falls on a non-class day.
  2. You may earn (deposit) a late day by turning in an assignment at least 24 hours early. There is no limit to the number of late days you can save up.
  3. Only one late day may be used or earned on any given assignment.
  4. Unused late days disappear at the end of the term.    

Notification for a deposit or withdrawal: just complete the Late Day Bank Survey on ANGEL before the assignment is due. That is so I can know when it is okay to post a solution or discuss an assignment in class.

Some particular assignments may be designated as "no late days" assignments.  Example reasons:


Weight Criteria
40% Homework, programming problems and projects, quizzes, in-class exercises
10% Team mini-project
5% In-class quizzes
12% Exam 1 (March 28)
12% Exam 2 (May 2)
16% Final Exam
5% Citizenship

Final grades are also contingent on the following:

I will do my best to conform to the Rose-Hulman definition of the various grades, as described in the Academic Rules and Procedures. Note in particular that the phrase “thorough competence to do excellent work” appears there in the description of the “B” grade (not “A”), and it further states that “B” and “B+” will not be given for mere compliance with the minimum essential standards of the course.

Citizenship Counts!

I may adjust your overall average up or down by up to 5 percent, based on your citizenship in the CSSE 220 learning community. This includes attendance, promptness, preparation for class, positive participation in class and the online discussion forums, constructive partnership in pair and group assignments, timely completion of various surveys, and peer evaluation of other students’ code and of your team members for group projects.

The in-class time in this course constitutes an important learning experience. You should be there,  Two unexcused absences will affect your Citizenship grade. Three or more unexcused absences may result in failure of the course.  Be sure to record your attendance each day.

Bug Reports

If you find errors in the textbook or any of my course documents, please report them via the bug reports discussion forum on ANGEL. I will give a small number of extra credit points to the first person to report a given bug. The number of points will depend on the severity and subtlety of the bug that you report. I recommend that you subscribe to that discussion forum.


I usually check email several times per day, and do my best to respond quickly. It is a good way to get answers to simple questions. I expect you to check your email daily (not necessarily on weekends, although even that is not a bad idea). When I send mail to you, I will use your Rose-Hulman address. If you do not currently read mail that is sent to that address, please have it forwarded to wherever you do read mail.

When you send course-related email directly to me, please include 220 in your Subject: line (and include a real subject line), so that I can quickly pick it out from among the dozens of daily email messages that I receive. Then I can respond to you more quickly.

Bad: When is Assignment 1 due? 
Bad:CSSE 220
Good:CSSE220: When is Assignment 1 due?

Don't forget the address. Your mail will go to me and to all of the student assistants.  There is no need for a special subject line for these messages, since the Mailman list system inserts the subject.

Discussion forums on ANGEL are a place where you can discuss various aspects of the course, including the assignments, with other class members.  The student assistants and I will read the discussions and sometimes respond to your posts.  One way to enhance the Citizenship part of your grade is to post thoughtful questions, answers, and comments to the forums.

I welcome your suggestions for the course.  Please tell me about things in the course that help you to learn, and things I might do to improve the course for you. If there is something that you'd like to tell me, but don't feel comfortable with me knowing who it comes from, you can use the Anonymous Suggestion Box survey that I have provided on ANGEL.

Electronic Distraction

I will do my best to keep the class interactive and relevant. But I recognize that sometimes it is hard as a student to stay focused on the class. With laptops in class, there are many more ways to become distracted. Unfortunately these distractions are much more pernicious, since it is very easy to get drawn into things like IM conversations or RSS feeds.

In the classroom I strongly encourage you to turn off IM and email software and only use other software for things directly related to class. If you must use non-class-related software during class, then you should sit in the next-to-last row (no one should sit in the last row). Doing so will keep you from distracting your classmates with what is on your screen.

Academic Integrity

Recall the Institute policy on academic misconduct:

“Rose-Hulman expects its students to be responsible adults and to behave at all times with honor and integrity.”

Exams and homework will be done on an individual basis. The simple rule of thumb for individual work is:

Never give or use someone else’s code or written answers.

Such exchanges are definitely cheating and not cooperation. The departmental statement on academic honesty has more detailed advice.

We encourage you to discuss the problems and general approaches to solving them with other students. However, when it comes to writing code, it should be your own work (or the work of your group if it is a group or partner assignment). If you are having trouble understanding how some library code works or pinning down a run-time or logic error in your program, by all means talk to someone about it.

If you use someone else’s ideas in your solution (or any other work that you do anywhere), you have to:

If you are ever in doubt about whether some specific situation violates the policy, the best approach is to discuss it with your instructor beforehand. This is a very serious matter that we do not take lightly. Nor should you.

In general, you should not look at another student’s code to get ideas of how to write your own code. Beginning the process of producing your own solution with an electronic copy of work done by other students is never appropriate.

Plagiarism or cheating will result in a negative score (i.e., less than zero) for the assignment or exam. Egregious cases will result in a grade of “F” for the course. More importantly, such dishonesty steals your own self-esteem. So don’t cheat.

Written by Matt Boutell, based on format and lots of wording by Claude Anderson.