Session Details

Week 1, Session 2 — Tue Dec 2


  1. Weiss §5.1, 5.2, 5.4–5.8, 7.2
  2. Continue reviewing Weiss Ch. 1–6.


  1. Post to "Introduce Yourself" on Piazza ( link in syllabus)
  2. Make progress on WarmUpAndStretching.


  1. Growable Arrays completion and discussion
  2. Review of Asymptotic analysis and formal definition of Big O.
  3. Big-oh’s cousins, big-Omega and big-Theta
  4. Limits and asymptotic behavior


  1. [10 min] Hand back quizzes, questions
  2. [15 min] More course introduction: grading, syllabus
  3. [15 min] Growable Array wrap-up
  4. [5 min] Break
  5. [20 min] Big Oh review,
  6. [30 min] More asymptotic analysis, including limits


  1. Slides

HW Assigned

  1. See Preparation, Due, and Major Programs columns on the main schedule page