Session Details

Week 1, Session 1 — Mon Dec 1


  1. Read the Syllabus
  2. Bookmark this schedule page.
  3. Email your instructor if you forgot your SVN password
  4. Review Weiss Ch. 1–6 this week: many pages, mostly review. Carefully read the new stuff and skim the rest: this document may help guide you).
  5. Install software for the course:


  1. Nothing today
  2. Always look at the Major Programs column, too, for the programming assignment of the week.


  1. Course introduction
  2. Growable Array analysis
  3. Week 1:
    On your own: Skim/read review from the book and get back up-to-speed on programming by doing the WarmUpAndStretching assignment
    In class: Algorithm analysis


  1. [10 min] Roll Call, Introductions
  2. [15 min] Getting started, finding course material on the web, schedule
  3. [20 min] Review some math we’ll need
  4. [5 min] Break
  5. [45 min] Growable Array (due at end of class)


  1. Slides
  2. Course materials on the web.
  3. An overview of the review material from Weiss chapters 1-7.

HW Assigned

  1. See Preparation, Due, and Major Programs columns on the main schedule page