Session Details

Week 3, Session 9 — Tue Sep 21


  1. Chapter 6
    (26 pages)

HW Due

  1. HW 8
    Quiz due Tuesday as usual; rest due Wednesday (as usual for homework assigned on Mondays)


  1. Review Functions: Defining, calling, returning values.
  2. Optional parameters
  3. Returning more than one value from a function
  4. Mutators — Mutation of parameters
  5. Practice, including debugging


  1. [ 5 min] Hand back quizzes and answer student questions.
  2. [ 5 min] Optional parameters
  3. [15 min] Parameter Passing (changing parameter values)
  4. [30 min] Three Squares exercise
    Take a break in the middle of this or when you are done.
  5. [50 min] triangles (more function practice) and other homework.


  1. Slides More on Functions

HW Assigned

  1. HW 9