Session Details

Week 1, Session 2 — Tue Nov 27


  1. Big Java Chapter 1 (just skim §1.1–1.2 and 1.6 (1.5 in ed3), read the rest)
  2. Big Java, §2.1–2.7

HW Due

  1. HW 1


  1. Variables. Using and constructing objects. Calling methods, accessor and mutator methods.
  2. The String class
  3. Primitive types
  4. UML Class Diagram for a single class
  5. Java API documentation


  1. Slides


  1. [10 min] Questions; HW1 commits
  2. [5] More announcements and course intro
  3. [5] Identifiers and variables in Java
  4. [15] Using objects and methods, UML Class Diagrams. UsingStrings exercise in ObjectsAndMethods project.
  5. [5] Passing parameters, types. Exercise on String method calls.
  6. [5] Break
  7. [10] Primitive types. SomeTypes exercise in ObjectsAndMethods project.
  8. [5] Constructing objects, accessor and mutator methods.
  9. [10] Java API documentation
  10. [35] Finish daily quiz, begin homework ( FourRectanglePrinter and StringPractice in ObjectsAndMethods project).

HW Assigned

  1. HW 2