#A helpful script for Exercise 3.4.1. #Here is the data for Exercise 3.4.1 data = [[0.1, 0.11], [0.6, 0.5], [1.1, 0.6], [1.4, 0.5]]; N = len(data); #A plot: plt1 = scatter_plot(data); show(plt1) #aTo fit a function u(a,t) = a*t to this data by adjusting "a", define var('t a'); u(t,a) = a*t; #The model function to fit SS = function('SS')(a); SS(a) = add((u(data[i][0],a)-data[i][1])^2 for i in range(N)); #Now minimize SS(a) with respect to a. Repeat for parts (b)-(d).