Language Installation Instructions
Programming Language Paradigms

Instructions for installing the ruby interpreter:

Step 1: Click here to download the Ruby Installer

Step 2: Save the file, run the installer

Getting Ruby working in eclipse

Step 1: Open Eclipse

Step 2: Go to Help->Install new software

Step 3: Click on the add button. Give it a name and enter "" as the location

Step 4: Expand The last entry (DLTK 2.0) and select Core Frameworks, Core Frameworks SDK, Ruby Development Tools, and Ruby Development Tools SDK

Step 5: Click Next and install the software. Restart Eclipse if prompted

Step 6: Go to Window->Preferences. Expand The Ruby section and click on Interpreters section

Step 7: Click on the search button to search for an interpreter. Select ruby.exe

Hello World Instructions

Step 1: Create a new ruby module in a project

Step 2: Enter "puts 'Hello World'"

Step 3: Run it

Team Bruce: Brian Sherman, Daniel Kelly, Michael Frank