CSSE-481: Internet of Things: Project Proposal Phase


The term project will consist of developing an innovative application for the IoT.

The project proposal phase consists of a three to four week process in which you will develop an idea for an application, research it, obtain feedback from your classmates and present your proposal to the class.

The proposal phase is designed to learn and practive ways in which people creatively think about developing a cutting edge application, how to obtain fail-fast feedback/validation of an idea and how to research details of a proposal.


For each of the following assignments, please submit your work to the appropriate drop-box on Moodle.

Assignment Specs

Review or Presentation

The purpose of the review and presentations of various IoT projects is to study the current state of the art of IoT. For a presentation, please lead the discussion of the materials (video, sildes of paper). For a review, please submit a write-up highlighting key features of the app assigned for your review. Please also capture any unusual or interesting features. When studying an app, attempt to answer the following question: "What about this app or domain makes it a good or interesting IoT app?"

App Idea

Based on the apps we have seen, a web survey, but primarily on your own thinking, develop an idea or two for a good IoT application. Submit a brief write-up to the appropriate drop-box on Moodle. We will discuss each idea in class for the purpose of improvement. Please do not worry about whether app can be developed in one term, we will eventually carve out a good demo project.

Revised App Idea

Based on feedback through the class discussion of your app idea, further thinking and research of existing, similar apps, revise your idea or produce a new one. Submit a write-up of your revised app idea to the appropriate drop-box on Moodle. We will discuss your revised idea in class for the purpose of continued improvement and possible group formation.

Project Proposal

For the project proposal, submit a write-up. Below are the specs:

For the proposal presentation: