CSSE 404: Parser

For this milestone you will extend your software from the previous milestone to parse MiniJava programs.

Your parser will take the name of a text file as an argument. The program will parse the file according to the syntax. Your program will produce a parse tree and identify whether the input is a correct MiniJava program. At this point, your parser may assume that you get a valid MiniJava program, however, if you want to implement some rudimentary error checking or correction, that would be fine. We will eventually have a separate assignment on error checking. Please update the symbol table as appropriate.


The following properties of MiniJava are the most common sources of problems:


By midnight on the milestone deadline, submit a zipped copy of the following to the corresponding drop-box on Moodle.


Your grade will be based on the percentage of the full set of sample input files that your program processes correctly.

For now, we will use the same examples as for the lexer.