Welcome to CSSE351: Computer Graphics

In this class, you will learn to produce 2D images from 3D scenes.

I'm Micah Taylor. I have spent most of my life doing computer graphics and I am happy to help more people learn it for themselves.

Now that I've introduced myself, you need to introduce yourself.

The layout and policies of the class are described in the syllabus. Read the syllabus and let me know if you have any concerns.

Here's a list of the tools we'll be using in the course. You'll have several programming assignments in this course, so you'll need to have a development environment for building your code. I'll give you starter code in your course repository. The next thing you need to do is setup your dev environment and get your course repo.

Chapter 1 of the textbook is an overview of graphics- quickly skim this chapter. Then, answer the questions in the chapter 1 quiz.You might want to glance over 2.4.1-2.4.4 and 5.2-5.3 to see if you need to review prereq material. To prepare for the next session, read chapter 3 (skim the stuff on output devices).

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