
Blender is a graphics development program. We will use it for basic modeling.

Download Blender from the Blender webpage. Install as appropriate for your OS. Many Linux distros provide Blender in the 'blender' package.

Using Blender

Using Blender is hard. However, opening the Blender program is the first step to success. Please do this.

Laptop users

Use the File menu in the upper left corner and set User Preferences.


Enable emulate numpad.


Save your changes.

Save prefs

Basics and view


In the main 3D view, right click selects objects and drags them, and middle click moves the view. Left click moves the 3D cursor.


Touchpad gestures can also be used (two finger drag, etc.). Hold shift or ctrl to change the action of drags.

You can change your view with 1, 3, and 7 keys. These correspond to y, x, and z axis. 5 switches between orthographic and perspective projection.

Quick note: in blender z is the default 'up' axis.

Editing objects (object mode)

You can add objects using the Add button near the bottom right. The objects will be added near the cursor location.



Selected objects can be edited with:


These transforms are based on the current view. They can be restricted to a single axis by pressing the command, then x, y, or z to lock to an axis. You can enter numbers after these commands if you want precise control over transforms: rx45 to rotate by 90 degrees.


Objects can be deleted with the delete key.

Editing vertex data (edit mode)

Pressing tab enters vertex edit mode. The vertices of the selected object can be transformed similar to objects. In vertex edit mode, ctrl+tab selects the part to edit: vertices, lines, or faces.

Edit mode

In edit mode, there are more commands on the left 'Tools' menu. Try these:

An scene after some edits:
After some edit

More help

There are many, many Blender tutorials out on the internet. Here are a few links:

Work time

Create something new in Blender and show your instructor.