
Find a partner and combine your Program1 scenes into a new scene in Program2. Then, animate your scene. You should use the vertex and fragment shaders to animate. You also need to create a new vertex attribute and use it to transform your scene somehow. This assignment is due end of day Tuesday. If you do the extra credit, be aware I'm not going to try all the keys: use the arrow keys or the mouse events so I don't miss your cool interaction.

Here's the example from class: main.cpp simple.vert simple.frag

Send a uniform value to shader (in addition to time)0: No extra uniform1: Additional uniform
Send vertex attribute to shader (in addition to position and color)0: No extra attribute2: Additional vertex attribute
Transform based on uniforms0: No uniform transform2: At least one transform using uniform
Transform based on vertex attribute0: No attribute transform2: At least one transform using vertex attribute
Perform a transform in vertex shader0: No transform1: Transform in vertex shader
Perform a transform in fragment shader0: No transform1: Transform in fragment shader
Perform an animation in a shader0: No animations1: At least one animation
Extra: Event controls transform0: No events1: Event controls transform