CSSE 290 – Introduction to Web Programming
Winter 2014-2015 (a.k.a. 201520)

Session 1

  1. Welcome to CSSE 290.
  2. The class is small; the room is large. Students should not sit in the back row.
  3. You'll need to know your CSSE password by Friday.
  4. Before Session 2 class:

Session 2

  1. This was also posted on Piazza:

    If you are having trouble installing the Aptana Eclipse plugin:

    One thing you can do is download and install a fresh version of Eclipse (no need to uninstall the old one unless you want to, just unzip the new one in a different folder), and install Aptana Studio in that one, One student had to click the "available software sites" link from the "Install software" dialog, and enter the Aptana URL there, rather than in the main dialog.

    You could also try installing the standalone version of Aptana.

    Here is something that worked for a student in my office today:

    If you need help, feel free to stop in at my office Tuesday or Wednesday; I will demo simple uses of Aptana in Thursday's class.

  2. CSSE password: See announcement 3 from Session 1
  3. You can change your CSSE password:
    With SecureCRT or some other terminal program (puTTY is a free alternative),
    login to
    Once logged in, the command to change your password is kpasswd
  4. By Friday's class time, you need to have an FTP program installed.
    For windows,I suggest SecureFX, which should have come on your laptop. You can get it from \\software
    FileZilla is a free alternative.

Session 3

  1. Homework 1 assignment (due Thursday before midnight) will be updated sometime this weekend, hopefully today. It will be essentially the same assignment as the one that is already on-line, but the turnin instructions will be very different.
    I will post a note on Piazza when it has been updated.

Session 4

  1. Placeholder

Session 5

  1. Placeholder

Session 6

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Session 7

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Session 8

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Session 9

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Session 10

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Session 11

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Session 12

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Session 13

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Session 14

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Session 15

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Session 16

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Session 17

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Session 18

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Session 19

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Session 20

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Session 21

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Session 22

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Session 23

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Session 24

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Session 25

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Session 26

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Session 27

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Session 28

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Session 29

  1. Placeholder

Session 30

  1. Placeholder

Final Exam

  1. Placeholder