Session Details

Week 1, Session 4 — Fri Sep 9


  1. Read article Why Math?


  1. Warm Up and Stretching Commit to SVN by 11:00 PM.


  1. MCSS Linear Algorithm


  1. [10 min] Announcements, answers to student questions.
  2. [30 min] MCSS linear algorithm
  3. [10 min] MCSS Races!
  4. [5 min] Break
  5. [50 min] Discuss ADT part of homework, intro to stacks and queues and implementation choices.


  1. Slides
  2. Alphabetical list of terms
  3. Pair Programming cheesy but helpful video and official advice
  4. Stacks and Queues teams

HW Assigned

  1. See Preparation, Due, and Major Programs columns on the main schedule page