package weiss.util; import; import; /** * Balanced search tree implementation of SortedSet. * Matches are based on comparator or compareTo. */ public class TreeSet extends AbstractCollection implements SortedSet { /** * Construct an empty TreeSet. */ public TreeSet( ) { nullNode = new AANode( null, null, null ); nullNode.left = nullNode.right = nullNode; nullNode.level = 0; root = nullNode; cmp = null; } /** * Construct an empty TreeSet with a specified comparator. */ public TreeSet( Comparator c ) { this( ); cmp = c; } /** * Construct a TreeSet from another SortedSet. */ public TreeSet( SortedSet other ) { this( other.comparator( ) ); copyFrom( other ); } /** * Construct a TreeSet from any collection. * Uses an O( N log N ) algorithm, but could be improved. */ public TreeSet( Collection other ) { this( ); copyFrom( other ); } /** * Return the comparator used by this TreeSet. * @return the comparator or null if the default comparator is used. */ public Comparator comparator( ) { return cmp; } /** * Copy any collection into a new TreeSet. */ private void copyFrom( Collection other ) { clear( ); for( AnyType x : other ) add( x ); } /** * Returns the number of items in this collection. * @return the number of items in this collection. */ public int size( ) { return theSize; } /** * Find the smallest item in the set. * @return the smallest item. * @throws NoSuchElementException if the set is empty. */ public AnyType first( ) { if( isEmpty( ) ) throw new NoSuchElementException( ); AANode ptr = root; while( ptr.left != nullNode ) ptr = ptr.left; return ptr.element; } /** * Find the largest item in the set. * @return the largest item. * @throws NoSuchElementException if the set is empty. */ public AnyType last( ) { if( isEmpty( ) ) throw new NoSuchElementException( ); AANode ptr = root; while( ptr.right != nullNode ) ptr = ptr.right; return ptr.element; } /** * This method is not part of standard Java. * Like contains, it checks if x is in the set. * If it is, it returns the reference to the matching * object; otherwise it returns null. * @param x the object to search for. * @return if contains(x) is false, the return value is null; * otherwise, the return value is the object that causes * contains(x) to return true. */ public AnyType getMatch( AnyType x ) { AANode p = find( x ); if( p == null ) return null; else return p.element; } /** * Find an item in the tree. * @param x the item to search for. * @return the matching item or null if not found. */ private AANode find( AnyType x ) { AANode current = root; nullNode.element = x; for( ; ; ) { int result = compare( x, current.element ); if( result < 0 ) current = current.left; else if( result > 0 ) current = current.right; else if( current != nullNode ) return current; else return null; } } /** * Compares lhs and rhs using comparator if * provided by cmp, or the default comparator. */ private int compare( AnyType lhs, AnyType rhs ) { if( cmp == null ) return ((Comparable) lhs).compareTo( rhs ); else return lhs, rhs ); } /** * Tests if some item is in this collection. * @param x any object. * @return true if this collection contains an item equal to x. */ public boolean contains( Object x ) { try { return getMatch( (AnyType) x ) != null; } catch( ClassCastException e ) { return false; } } /** * Adds an item to this collection. * @param x any object. * @return true if this item was added to the collection. */ public boolean add( AnyType x ) { int oldSize = size( ); root = insert( x, root ); return size( ) != oldSize; } /** * Internal method to insert into a subtree. * @param x the item to insert. * @param t the node that roots the tree. * @return the new root. */ private AANode insert( AnyType x, AANode t ) { if( t == nullNode ) { t = new AANode( x, nullNode, nullNode ); modCount++; theSize++; } else { int result = compare( x, t.element ); if( result < 0 ) t.left = insert( x, t.left ); else if( result > 0 ) t.right = insert( x, t.right ); else return t; } t = skew( t ); t = split( t ); return t; } /** * Removes an item from this collection. * @param x any object. * @return true if this item was removed from the collection. */ public boolean remove( Object x ) { int oldSize = size( ); deletedNode = nullNode; root = remove( (AnyType) x, root ); return size( ) != oldSize; } /** * Internal method to remove from a subtree. * @param x the item to remove. * @param t the node that roots the tree. * @return the new root. */ private AANode remove( AnyType x, AANode t ) { if( t != nullNode ) { // Step 1: Search down the tree and set lastNode and deletedNode lastNode = t; if( compare( x, t.element ) < 0 ) t.left = remove( x, t.left ); else { deletedNode = t; t.right = remove( x, t.right ); } // Step 2: If at the bottom of the tree and // x is present, we remove it if( t == lastNode ) { if( deletedNode == nullNode || compare( x, deletedNode.element ) != 0 ) return t; // Item not found; do nothing deletedNode.element = t.element; t = t.right; theSize--; modCount++; } // Step 3: Otherwise, we are not at the bottom; rebalance else if( t.left.level < t.level - 1 || t.right.level < t.level - 1 ) { if( t.right.level > --t.level ) t.right.level = t.level; t = skew( t ); t.right = skew( t.right ); t.right.right = skew( t.right.right ); t = split( t ); t.right = split( t.right ); } } return t; } /** * Change the size of this collection to zero. */ public void clear( ) { theSize = 0; modCount++; root = nullNode; } /** * Obtains an Iterator object used to traverse the collection. * @return an iterator positioned prior to the first element. */ public Iterator iterator( ) { return new TreeSetIterator( ); } /** * This is the implementation of the TreeSetIterator. * It maintains a notion of a current position and of * course the implicit reference to the TreeSet. */ private class TreeSetIterator implements Iterator { private int expectedModCount = modCount; private int visited = 0; private Stack> path = new Stack>( ); private AANode current = null; private AANode lastVisited = null; public TreeSetIterator( ) { if( isEmpty( ) ) return; AANode p = null; for( p = root; p.left != nullNode; p = p.left ) path.push( p ); current = p; } public boolean hasNext( ) { if( expectedModCount != modCount ) throw new ConcurrentModificationException( ); return visited < size( ); } public AnyType next( ) { if( !hasNext( ) ) throw new NoSuchElementException( ); AnyType value = current.element; lastVisited = current; if( current.right != nullNode ) { path.push( current ); current = current.right; while( current.left != nullNode ) { path.push( current ); current = current.left; } } else { AANode parent; for( ; !path.isEmpty( ); current = parent ) { parent = path.pop( ); if( parent.left == current ) { current = parent; break; } } } visited++; return value; } public void remove( ) { if( expectedModCount != modCount ) throw new ConcurrentModificationException( ); if( lastVisited == null ) throw new IllegalStateException( ); AnyType valueToRemove = lastVisited.element; TreeSet.this.remove( valueToRemove ); expectedModCount++; visited--; lastVisited = null; if( !hasNext( ) ) return; // Remaining code reinstates stack, in case of rotations AnyType nextValue = current.element; path.clear( ); AANode p = root; for( ; ; ) { path.push( p ); int result = compare( nextValue, p.element ); if( result < 0 ) p = p.left; else if( result > 0 ) p = p.right; else break; } path.pop( ); current = p; } } private int modCount = 0; private int theSize = 0; private AANode root = null; private Comparator cmp; private AANode nullNode; private AANode deletedNode; private AANode lastNode; private static class AANode implements Serializable { // Constructor public AANode( AnyType theElement, AANode lt, AANode rt ) { element = theElement; left = lt; right = rt; level = 1; } public AnyType element; // The data in the node public AANode left; // Left child public AANode right; // Right child public int level; // Level } /** * Skew primitive for AA-trees. * @param t the node that roots the tree. * @return the new root after the rotation. */ private static AANode skew( AANode t ) { if( t.left.level == t.level ) t = rotateWithLeftChild( t ); return t; } /** * Split primitive for AA-trees. * @param t the node that roots the tree. * @return the new root after the rotation. */ private static AANode split( AANode t ) { if( t.right.right.level == t.level ) { t = rotateWithRightChild( t ); t.level++; } return t; } /** * Rotate binary tree node with left child. */ private static AANode rotateWithLeftChild( AANode k2 ) { AANode k1 = k2.left; k2.left = k1.right; k1.right = k2; return k1; } /** * Rotate binary tree node with right child. */ private static AANode rotateWithRightChild( AANode k1 ) { AANode k2 = k1.right; k1.right = k2.left; k2.left = k1; return k2; } }