import; import; import java.util.Scanner; import weiss.util.Arrays; import weiss.util.ArrayList; import weiss.util.List; // WordSearch class interface: solve word search puzzle // // CONSTRUCTION: with no initializer // ******************PUBLIC OPERATIONS****************** // int solvePuzzle( ) --> Print all words found in the // puzzle; return number of matches public class WordSearch { /** * Constructor for WordSearch class. * Prompts for and reads puzzle and dictionary files. */ public WordSearch( ) throws IOException { puzzleStream = openFile( "Enter puzzle file" ); wordStream = openFile( "Enter dictionary name" ); init( ); } public WordSearch( Scanner puz, Scanner wor ) throws IOException { puzzleStream = puz; wordStream = wor; init( ); } private void init( ) throws IOException { System.out.println( "Reading files..." ); readPuzzle( ); readWords( ); } /** * Routine to solve the word search puzzle. * Performs checks in all eight directions. * @return number of matches */ public int solvePuzzle( ) { int matches = 0; for( int r = 0; r < rows; r++ ) for( int c = 0; c < columns; c++ ) for( int rd = -1; rd <= 1; rd++ ) for( int cd = -1; cd <= 1; cd++ ) if( rd != 0 || cd != 0 ) matches += solveDirection( r, c, rd, cd ); return matches; } /** * Search the grid from a starting point and direction. * @return number of matches */ private int solveDirection( int baseRow, int baseCol, int rowDelta, int colDelta ) { String charSequence = ""; int numMatches = 0; int searchResult; charSequence += theBoard[ baseRow ][ baseCol ]; for( int i = baseRow + rowDelta, j = baseCol + colDelta; i >= 0 && j >= 0 && i < rows && j < columns; i += rowDelta, j += colDelta ) { charSequence += theBoard[ i ][ j ]; searchResult = prefixSearch( theWords, charSequence ); if( searchResult == theWords.length ) break; if( !theWords[ searchResult ].startsWith( charSequence ) ) break; if( theWords[ searchResult ].equals( charSequence ) ) { if( theWords[ searchResult ].length( ) < 5 ) continue; numMatches++; System.out.println( "Found " + charSequence + " at " + baseRow + " " + baseCol + " to " + i + " " + j ); } } return numMatches; } /** * Performs the binary search for word search. * @param a the sorted array of strings. * @param x the string to search for. * @return last position examined; * this position either matches x, or x is * a prefix of the mismatch, or there is no * word for which x is a prefix. */ private static int prefixSearch( String [ ] a, String x ) { int idx = Arrays.binarySearch( a, x ); if( idx < 0 ) return -idx - 1; else return idx; } /** * Print a prompt and open a file. * Retry until open is successful. * Program exits if end of file is hit. */ private Scanner openFile( String message ) { String fileName = ""; FileReader theFile; Scanner fileIn = null; do { System.out.println( message + ": " ); try { if( !in.hasNextLine( ) ) System.exit( 0 ); fileName = in.nextLine( ); theFile = new FileReader( fileName ); fileIn = new Scanner( theFile ); } catch( IOException e ) { System.err.println( "Cannot open " + fileName ); } } while( fileIn == null ); System.out.println( "Opened " + fileName ); return fileIn; } /** * Routine to read the grid. * Checks to ensure that the grid is rectangular. * Checks to make sure that capacity is not exceeded is omitted. */ private void readPuzzle( ) throws IOException { String oneLine; List puzzleLines = new ArrayList( ); if( !puzzleStream.hasNextLine( ) ) throw new IOException( "No lines in puzzle file" ); oneLine = puzzleStream.nextLine( ); columns = oneLine.length( ); puzzleLines.add( oneLine ); while( puzzleStream.hasNextLine( ) ) { oneLine = puzzleStream.nextLine( ); if( oneLine.length( ) != columns ) System.err.println( "Puzzle is not rectangular; skipping row" ); else puzzleLines.add( oneLine ); } rows = puzzleLines.size( ); theBoard = new char[ rows ][ columns ]; int r = 0; for( String theLine : puzzleLines ) theBoard[ r++ ] = theLine.toCharArray( ); } /** * Routine to read the dictionary. * Error message is printed if dictionary is not sorted. */ private void readWords( ) { List words = new ArrayList( ); String lastWord = null; String thisWord; while( wordStream.hasNextLine( ) ) { thisWord = wordStream.nextLine( ); if( lastWord != null && thisWord.compareTo( lastWord ) < 0 ) { System.err.println( "Dictionary is not sorted... skipping" ); continue; } words.add( thisWord ); lastWord = thisWord; } theWords = new String[ words.size( ) ]; theWords = words.toArray( theWords ); } // Cheap main public static void main( String [ ] args ) { WordSearch p = null; try { p = new WordSearch( ); } catch( IOException e ) { System.out.println( "IO Error: " ); e.printStackTrace( ); return; } System.out.println( "Solving..." ); p.solvePuzzle( ); } private int rows; private int columns; private char [ ][ ] theBoard; private String [ ] theWords; private Scanner puzzleStream; private Scanner wordStream; private Scanner in = new Scanner( ); }