import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import weiss.util.PriorityQueue; interface BitUtils { public static final int BITS_PER_BYTES = 8; public static final int DIFF_BYTES = 256; public static final int EOF = 256; } // BitInputStream class: Bit-input stream wrapper class. // // CONSTRUCTION: with an open InputStream. // // ******************PUBLIC OPERATIONS*********************** // int readBit( ) --> Read one bit as a 0 or 1 // void close( ) --> Close underlying stream class BitInputStream { public BitInputStream( InputStream is ) { in = is; bufferPos = BitUtils.BITS_PER_BYTES; } public int readBit( ) throws IOException { if ( bufferPos == BitUtils.BITS_PER_BYTES ) { buffer = ); if( buffer == -1 ) return -1; bufferPos = 0; } return getBit( buffer, bufferPos++ ); } public void close( ) throws IOException { in.close( ); } private static int getBit( int pack, int pos ) { return ( pack & ( 1 << pos ) ) != 0 ? 1 : 0; } private InputStream in; private int buffer; private int bufferPos; } // BitOutputStream class: Bit-output stream wrapper class. // // CONSTRUCTION: with an open OutputStream. // // ******************PUBLIC OPERATIONS*********************** // void writeBit( val ) --> Write one bit (0 or 1) // void writeBits( vald ) --> Write array of bits // void flush( ) --> Flush buffered bits // void close( ) --> Close underlying stream class BitOutputStream { public BitOutputStream( OutputStream os ) { bufferPos = 0; buffer = 0; out = os; } public void writeBit( int val ) throws IOException { buffer = setBit( buffer, bufferPos++, val ); if( bufferPos == BitUtils.BITS_PER_BYTES ) flush( ); } public void writeBits( int [ ] val ) throws IOException { for( int v : val ) writeBit( v ); } public void flush( ) throws IOException { if( bufferPos == 0 ) return; out.write( buffer ); bufferPos = 0; buffer = 0; } public void close( ) throws IOException { flush( ); out.close( ); } private int setBit( int pack, int pos, int val ) { if( val == 1 ) pack |= ( val << pos ); return pack; } private OutputStream out; private int buffer; private int bufferPos; } // CharCounter class: A character counting class. // // CONSTRUCTION: with no parameters or an open InputStream. // // ******************PUBLIC OPERATIONS*********************** // int getCount( ch ) --> Return # occurrences of ch // void setCount( ch, count ) --> Set # occurrences of ch // ******************ERRORS********************************** // No error checks. class CharCounter { public CharCounter( ) { } public CharCounter( InputStream input ) throws IOException { int ch; while( ( ch = ) ) != -1 ) theCounts[ ch ]++; } public int getCount( int ch ) { return theCounts[ ch & 0xff ]; } public void setCount( int ch, int count ) { theCounts[ ch & 0xff ] = count; } private int [ ] theCounts = new int[ BitUtils.DIFF_BYTES + 1 ]; } // Basic node in a Huffman coding tree. class HuffNode implements Comparable { public int value; public int weight; public int compareTo( HuffNode rhs ) { return weight - rhs.weight; } HuffNode left; HuffNode right; HuffNode parent; HuffNode( int v, int w, HuffNode lt, HuffNode rt, HuffNode pt ) { value = v; weight = w; left = lt; right = rt; parent = pt; } } // Huffman tree class interface: manipulate huffman coding tree. // // CONSTRUCTION: with no parameters or a CharCounter object. // // ******************PUBLIC OPERATIONS*********************** // int [ ] getCode( ch ) --> Return code given character // int getChar( code ) --> Return character given code // void writeEncodingTable( out ) --> Write coding table to out // void readEncodingTable( in ) --> Read encoding table from in // ******************ERRORS********************************** // Error check for illegal code. class HuffmanTree { public HuffmanTree( ) { theCounts = new CharCounter( ); root = null; } public HuffmanTree( CharCounter cc ) { theCounts = cc; root = null; createTree( ); } public static final int ERROR = -3; public static final int INCOMPLETE_CODE = -2; public static final int END = BitUtils.DIFF_BYTES; /** * Return the code corresponding to character ch. * (The parameter is an int to accomodate EOF). * If code is not found, return an array of length 0. */ public int [ ] getCode( int ch ) { HuffNode current = theNodes[ ch ]; if( current == null ) return null; String v = ""; HuffNode par = current.parent; while ( par != null ) { if( par.left == current ) v = "0" + v; else v = "1" + v; current = current.parent; par = current.parent; } int [ ] result = new int[ v.length( ) ]; for( int i = 0; i < result.length; i++ ) result[ i ] = v.charAt( i ) == '0' ? 0 : 1; return result; } /** * Get the character corresponding to code. */ public int getChar( String code ) { HuffNode p = root; for( int i = 0; p != null && i < code.length( ); i++ ) if( code.charAt( i ) == '0' ) p = p.left; else p = p.right; if( p == null ) return ERROR; return p.value; } // Write the encoding table using character counts /** * Writes an encoding table to an output stream. * Format is character, count (as bytes). * A zero count terminates the encoding table. */ public void writeEncodingTable( DataOutputStream out ) throws IOException { for( int i = 0; i < BitUtils.DIFF_BYTES; i++ ) { if( theCounts.getCount( i ) > 0 ) { out.writeByte( i ); out.writeInt( theCounts.getCount( i ) ); } } out.writeByte( 0 ); out.writeInt( 0 ); } /** * Read the encoding table from an input stream in format * given above and then construct the Huffman tree. * Stream will then be positioned to read compressed data. */ public void readEncodingTable( DataInputStream in ) throws IOException { for( int i = 0; i < BitUtils.DIFF_BYTES; i++ ) theCounts.setCount( i, 0 ); int ch; int num; for( ; ; ) { ch = in.readByte( ); num = in.readInt( ); if( num == 0 ) break; theCounts.setCount( ch, num ); } createTree( ); } /** * Construct the Huffman coding tree. */ private void createTree( ) { PriorityQueue pq = new PriorityQueue( ); for( int i = 0; i < BitUtils.DIFF_BYTES; i++ ) if ( theCounts.getCount( i ) > 0 ) { HuffNode newNode = new HuffNode( i, theCounts.getCount( i ), null, null, null ); theNodes[ i ] = newNode; pq.add( newNode ); } theNodes[ END ] = new HuffNode( END, 1, null, null, null ); pq.add( theNodes[ END ] ); while( pq.size( ) > 1 ) { HuffNode n1 = pq.remove( ); HuffNode n2 = pq.remove( ); HuffNode result = new HuffNode( INCOMPLETE_CODE, n1.weight + n2.weight, n1, n2, null ); n1.parent = n2.parent = result; pq.add( result ); } root = pq.element( ); } private CharCounter theCounts; private HuffNode [ ] theNodes = new HuffNode[ BitUtils.DIFF_BYTES + 1 ]; private HuffNode root; } public class Hzip { public static void compress( String inFile ) throws IOException { String compressedFile = inFile + ".huf"; InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream( inFile ) ); OutputStream fout = new BufferedOutputStream( new FileOutputStream( compressedFile ) ); HZIPOutputStream hzout = new HZIPOutputStream( fout ); int ch; while( ( ch = ) ) != -1 ) hzout.write( ch ); in.close( ); hzout.close( ); } public static void uncompress( String compressedFile ) throws IOException { String inFile; String extension; inFile = compressedFile.substring( 0, compressedFile.length( ) - 4 ); extension = compressedFile.substring( compressedFile.length( ) - 4 ); if( !extension.equals( ".huf" ) ) { System.out.println( "Not a compressed file!" ); return; } inFile += ".uc"; // for debugging, so as to not clobber original InputStream fin = new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream( compressedFile ) ); DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream( fin ); HZIPInputStream hzin = new HZIPInputStream( in ); OutputStream fout = new BufferedOutputStream( new FileOutputStream( inFile ) ); int ch; while( ( ch = ) ) != -1 ) fout.write( ch ); hzin.close( ); fout.close( ); } public static void main( String [ ] args ) throws IOException { if( args.length < 2 ) { System.out.println( "Usage: java Hzip -[cu] files" ); return; } String option = args[ 0 ]; for( int i = 1; i < args.length; i++ ) { String nextFile = args[ i ]; if( option.equals( "-c" ) ) compress( nextFile ); else if( option.equals( "-u" ) ) uncompress( nextFile ); else { System.out.println( "Usage: java Hzip -[cu] files" ); return; } } } }