Session Details

Week 1, Session 2 — Wed Mar 6


  1. Big Java, §2.8–2.10
  2. First two pages of this intro to UML Class Diagrams
  3. Big Java, §3.1–3.8, Pay particular attention to §3.8

HW Due

  1. HW 1a


  1. Java API documentation
  2. Unit tests with JUnit
  3. Object references
  4. Object-Oriented Encapsulation
  5. Implementing Classes in Java


  1. Slides


  1. [10 min] Questions; HW1 commits
  2. [5] More announcements and course intro
  3. [15] Java API documentation
  4. [15] Unit testing with JUnit. Examine JUnitMoveTester in UnitTesting project.
  5. [5 min] Break
  6. [20] JUnit exercise: create and implement StringMethodsPracticeTest in UnitTesting project.
  7. [10] Object references, assignment, box and pointer diagrams
  8. [5 min] OO encapsulation
  9. [15 min] Java classes. Live coding on implementing a class: implement Shouter and add a test to ShouterTest in the WordGames project, as specified in the WordGames instructions.
  10. [15 min] More live coding on implementing a class: implement Censor and add a test to CensorTest in the WordGames project, as specified in the WordGames instructions.
  11. [5] Break
  12. [40 min] Begin homework (Start the WordGames project).

HW Assigned

  1. HW 2