Grading rubric

Recall the  General Instructions for Grading Programs.

Eclipse project for this assignment: ArraysAndLists

Points to be awarded for:

  1. RollingDice - 10 points for completion, done in class
  2. QuizScores - 36 points, as distributed by test cases below
    • 3 points - testAverageScore
    • 5 points - testGetQuizScores
    • 2 points - testNumberOfQuizScores
    • 3 points - testHightestScore
    • 3 points - testLowestScore
    • 5 points - testIncreaseScoresBy
    • 5 points - testCountScores
    • 10 points - testMostFrequentScores
    Other considerations:
    • -2 points - for not using an enhanced for loop where it is practical to use one
    • Award no points for QuizScores code that uses methods from Arrays or Collections
    • Award no points to solutions that don't use an ArrayList<Integer> to store the scores

Total: 46 points