Session 4 Preparation
1. Videos/Reading with Quizzes in Moodle

Do all the items on this Preparation page BEFORE this session's scheduled class time.

  1. Conditionals: IF and IF-ELSE and IF-ELIF-ELIF...ELSE statements: Reading.
  2. The Accumulator Pattern (revisited): Video [9:36]
    • This video extends the accumulator pattern from the summing pattern that you have seen previously to include the counting and in-graphics accumulator patterns.
    • The video uses a graphics system call Zellegraphics that preceded RoseGraphics, so you will see zg instead of rg and other such small changes from what we use now.
  3. First Do a Concrete Example By Hand: Video [10:39]
    • In almost ANY non-trivial software development coding problem, you simply MUST do a concrete example by hand, as shown in this video.
    • Note: The video uses the following example: Given a line, draw a diamond from the line. The video should have said that the given line is the upper-left line of the diamond. Instead, the video wrongly spoke of "positive slope".
  4. Optional:
2. Preparation-Summary Quiz

AFTER doing all the Videos / Reading to the left, along with their associated quizzes in Moodle:

3. Get the starting code

Get the following and attach them into PyCharm: follow the link, accept the assignment, refresh the page, copy the resulting link; then in PyCharm, do Git ~ Clone, paste into the box that appears, and select ATTACH when given that option.