Session 19 Preparation — Videos, Reading and Quizzes


There are no quizzes in Moodle for this session. But there ARE things to do for this session, as listed below.

Videos and Reading:

  1. If you have not already done so, complete ALL the exercises in Sessions 15, 17 and 18.

    • Reminder: You must COMPLETELY understand ALL of your solutions.
    • Get help from your instructor and/or student assistants if you have some solutions that you do NOT completely understand.
    • If you are still working on any of those sessions, contact your instructor to get help catching up.
  2. There are TWO sets of practice paper-and-pencil problems that cover recent material.

    • You may do EITHER of them (your choice).
    • You should check your own answers, using the supplied answer key, AFTER attempting the problems.
    • If there are any problems/concepts about which you are not 100% clear, get help from your instructor.

    The two choices are:

    1. Choice 1: This one is shorter and more to-the-point than the other. Here is:

    2. Choice 2: This one has more practice problems than the other. Here is:

    Whichever of the above you choose to do, turn it in to Moodle in the usual way, in the section for this session.