How to use Microsoft Teams in CSSE 120

Tool #1 for getting help in CSSE 120 is what we will call “Live Now!” — 50+ hours a week which simulate being “in class”.

Microsoft Teams is easy to use, and you will probably use it for several of your classes.

Here are two videos if you want help getting started in using Microsoft Teams in CSSE 120.

  1. This 4-minute video on “Asking a Question Using Microsoft Teams for CSSE120” shows an example of a student who wants help debugging a function in Pycharm, using Microsoft Teams as the tool to obtain one-on-one help.

    • If all you want is a quick example of how you ask questions in remote-instruction CSSE 120, this is the video for you!
  2. We made this 13-minute video on how to create and run meetings in Microsoft Teams for our student assistants, but you might find it helpful too.

  3. And of course, Googling will yield lots and lots of videos and more about using Microsoft Teams in general.