Session 15 Preparation
CSSE 120
Winter 2018-2019 (aka 201920)
Introduction to Software Development (with robotics)
Session 15 Preparation — Videos, Reading and Quizzes


Go to Moodle to find the Quiz for this Preparation.

Do the quiz as you watch the videos and do the reading. The quiz follows the same order as the videos/reading do.

You can access the videos from here or from Moodle; they both point to the same place.

Videos and Reading:

All of the following are required except items labeled Optional are, well, optional (i.e., things that may be interesting but do not directly pertain to your success in this course).

  1. The   Wait Until Event Pattern   and   while True:   Loops

    Note: WHILE loops are traditionally introduced in the form:

    while some-condition:

    We will instead use the less common form:

    while True:
        if some-condition:

    See the video for details.