CSSE 120R Final Python Robotics Project—Winter 2009-2010

Disclaimer: Some details may still be vague; feel free to ask for clarification.  Some may also be subject to change; we'll alert you when they do.

Project Requirements

The final project for the Python part of this course is to implement a GUI for robot control that includes reacting to another robot's motion! The gold standard is to be able to follow another robot around a track.

Your project must satisfy these core requirements:

  1. You must complete the implementation of a GUI to control your robot.
  2. You must implement code to send and receive motion information from another robot.
  3. All team members must contribute to and understand their project.

Most of the work on your project will be translating the guidelines provided into a working implementation. If you are having trouble planning or getting started, get help. It is much better (and easier) to get help early and start off with a good plan than to try to hack a poor design into a semi-functional program in the final days before it is due.


To make sure that you are on-track to complete your project, you must meet the following milestones. Each milestone will contribute to your overall project grade. Each milestone must be done at the beginning of the specified class session (no 24-hour extensions). This is so we can help you in class as needed. For each milestone, you must commit your work to your repository and include a clear commit message stating that that milestone is completed.


Here is the rubric we will use to grade your program. Note also:

Project grades will be based on both individual and group results.

We will check off each project milestone, to make sure you are making steady progress.

The final program will be graded based on the proper functioning of your program.

The program will also be graded on your design, coding style, and documentation, including SVN commit messages.

The grade can also be bumped up some due to your creativity. While you can earn an A by following the requirements in this document, sometimes students think of even cooler things to do to demonstrate their understanding. What challenges you?

Each team member will be required to complete an evaluation survey about his or her own performance and that of each of his or her teammates. We will use these surveys and our own observations to assign individual project grades.



Your GUI must support as a minimum:
  1. Connecting (to the specified port number) and disconnecting from your robot.
  2. Driving your robot directly at the specified speeds.
  3. Line following.
  4. Sending your motion information as you move.
  5. Responding to another robot's motion in traffic (best would be while going around a line).
  6. Playing a very short song.


This is just a sample of what our GUI looks like.  You can use the given layout or make your GUI look different, but you shouldn't waste hours moving rectangles.  Focus on the interesting parts of the project, like robot following in traffic. The capital letter shows the quick key for each button.

We have included a RobotButton class in the project. This will allow you to make any additional buttons you'd like. See how we made the given buttons as an example.

Note: the Re button is for Disconnect and Reconnect.  This button seems worthless but is a good solution to the sensing garbage problem.  With it, if one senses garbage, one can click on the Re button to disconnect and connect again, which fixed the sense garbage for us almost every time.

IR Communication

The IR sensor on the front of the robot can receive a single byte of information from another source, whether it be another robot, the docking station, or even a virtual wall. Furthermore, the robot can repeatedly send a single byte out of its  omnidirectional IR transmitter (below). Between the two, we have the ability for two robots to communicate with each other. We will implement a very simple protocol to help two robots navigate in "traffic", so they don't hit each other.


Assume that two robots are travelling around a track. To keep from bumping into each other, they need to communicate their direction (clockwise or counter-clockwise) and their linear velocity. (Angular velocity doesn't really help on a track.) But, we can't send infinite precision data: we only have 1 byte to work with.

A byte is an 8-bit number, like 01011100 (which has value 0*2^7 + 1 * 2^6 + 0 * 2^5 + 1 * 2^4 + 1 * 2^3 + 1 * 2^2 + 0 * 2^1 + 0 * 2^0 = 64 + 16 + 8 + 4 = 92). There are 2^8 possible values of a byte, ranging from 0-255. On the robot, 255 means that no signal is seen. We get to define the other 255 values. We could use any protocol we wish, as long as we standardize. Therefore, I decree the following standard:

  1. The first bit (ie the Most Significant Bit, MSB) will be used to send direction: 1 = clockwise, 0 = counter-clockwise.
  2. The last 6 bits will be used to send linear velocity in cm/sec. The max linear velocity is 50 cm/sec, which is less than 2^6 -1 = 63, the max value that can be sent with 6 bits, so it's more then enough space. There should be no reason to have to send negative numbers, since robots won't be backing up as they travel around the track. (Imagine trying to do line following while driving backwards -- without cliff sensors on the back of the robot, ha!)
  3. The second bit is reserved (meaning it should just be left as zero)

Sending Motion Information

If the user clicks on the send IR button, it should start sending its current motion information. If the robot is stopped, that will send the IR value 0 or 128, depending on the direction the robot is facing on the track. Your program should start assuming counter-clockwise (0). When the drive forward button is pressed, it should change the linear velocity it is sending to that value. If any other drive button is pressed (left, right, or reverse), it should send a linear velocity of 0. When the CW or CCW button is pressed, the value of the IR number should change its Most Significant Bit if needed. You should also change the linear velocity sent anytime you change the linear velocity of your robot, like when you are line following. (If you are doing line following using drive or driveDirect, you'll need to convert to a linear velocity.) You may think of other times you'll need to change it.


Let's say you receive the byte 153 from another robot. You know that the other robot must be travelling clockwise at a rate of 25 cm/sec. (If you think about this, you should see that the conversion back and forth from a byte to a direction + linear velocity is pretty straightforward. And if not, feel free to ask!) How my robot responds to that message depends on how my robot is moving.

We need to agree on who has the "right of way" while driving. Let's assume the following cases:

  1. The robots are travelling in opposite directions. Let's say that the robot travelling clockwise has the right of way. Therefore,
  2. Both robots are going the same direction. The robot in back can see the robot in front, but not the other way around. The only way that the back robot could suddenly see the front robot is if it were driving faster than the front robot. The robot in back should respond by either:


  1. Omnidirectional IR Transmitter. This is the "hat" with 8 IR LEDs that sits on the BAM (wireless receiver) module. Place it on top of your BAM and plug the red wire into +5V (there are two holes from which to choose) and the black wire into LD1, both on the back of the BAM.
  2. Blinder. This is a little black ring that fits on the IR receiver. It blocks out signals from all directions except one, which is important so you avoid cross-talk (receiving multiple signals at once that it can't distinguish). Hint: Place the opening towards the back (your own transmitter) to test if you can receive your own signal. Typical usage is to have the opening towards the front, so you can receive transmissions from robots in front of you. Get one from me if you don't have one.


Each team will have a short amount of time (~5 min) in class to demonstrate their program's interaction with another robot to the instructor and the class. You will be judged on your preparedness, your program's functionality and how well each of the team members can explain the code. (This is to encourage you all to work on the code together and to contribute to it.) Ask me ahead of time if you want to demo your program with a specific team.
