CSSE 120 — Introduction to Software Development

Homework 27

Do the following exercises. For problem 3, use today's homework project: Session27_CharactersAndStrings

  1. Complete the assigned reading for the next session listed on the schedule page.
  2. (12 points) Complete the ANGEL quiz over this reading, at the course ANGEL page, under Lessons → Homework → Homework 27 → Quiz 27: File processing in C .
  3. (30 pts) Specifications and stubs for the 6 functions below have been provided for you in the above project. For each function, write thorough tests and implement the function definitions. You might want to use the functions declared in the ctype.h header in your solution, and perhaps your own stringLength function (or the one in the strings.h library). (Hint: You don't need anything beyond what we listed in the slides from today's session.) Be sure to commit to your repository as you finish each function; that will help us to award credit for each function that you finish.
    • stringLength
    • firstWord
    • capitalize
    • capWords
    • reverse
    • strip

    Put your name at the top of the file with your code, as usual.

    As you complete each function, commit it to your repository as usual.