CSSE 120 -- Intro. to Software Development

Homework 21

  1. Complete the 5-minute survey for your team project found in Angel at Lessons → Projects →Quixo → Partner and Project Evaluation.
  2. Make sure you understand all the syntax of the squareRootTable program that we explored together in class last week. The slides for today's session will help reinforce the concepts that we explored in class.
  3. Take a look at the Python vs C comparison document. You may find this helpful as you try to do things in C that you already know how to do in Python. Feel free to suggest things that we might add to this document.
  4. Do the reading in the text Programming in C, Stephen G. Kochan, listed on the schedule page, if you have the text. This is a lot more reading than the usual assignment (but no programs for you to write).  Most of this reading covers concepts that you already learned in Python and for which the C syntax is similar.  Some of it (such as arrays) we will revisit in more depth soon, but you should read it quickly now to get an idea of the parts of C that are similar to what we have done in Python. Again, the slides from today's session and the Python vs C comparison document will do a good job in reinforcing the concepts covered in the Kochan text.
  5. (23 points ) Complete the ANGEL quiz over the reading assignment. You'll find the quiz on the course ANGEL page under
    Lessons → Homework → Homework 21 → General Information about C.
  6. Make sure that your C workspace is configured before Session 23's class. Directions can be found here. After verifying or completing your configuration do the following:
    1. Open Eclipse and switch workspace to your CProjects workspace.  (File → Switch Workspace.  Click on C:\CProjects if it is visible or click on other and browse to the location of your C workspace.  Click on the OK button.)
    2. Switch to the C/C++ perspective (if you are not already in that perspective).  You do this by clicking on Window → Open Perspective →Other → C/C++, then the OK button.
    3. Checkout the Session21_C_Example1 project from your SVN repository by following these instructions.
      1. Go to the SVN Repository view at the bottom of the workbench
      2. If it is not there, Window → Show View → Other → SVN Repositories → OK
      3. Add your repository location.  See the Using Subclipse section of this document for further instructions.
      4. Browse SVN Repository view for Session21_C_Example1 project
      5. Right-click it, and choose Checkout
      6. Accept options as presented
      7. Expand the Session21_C_Example1 project that appears in Package Explorer (on the left-hand-side)
      8. Browse and explore the main_example1.c module
    4. Build the project (not the module), Click on the Session21_C_Example1 project, then Project → Build Project.  NOTE:  If Build automatically is checked, you may want to uncheck it first before you build the project.
    5. Run the project (not the module).  Click on the Session21_C_Example1 project, then Run → Run As → Local C/C++ Application . See what is displayed in the console.  Make sure the displayed output make sense to you.
    6. During Session 23's class, you will demo to a TA or your instructor that you can build and run the application.  If you have any questions about this exercise, seek help early.