CSSE 120 -- Intro. to Software Development

Homework 14

Reminder: for each class session and associated homework:
  • You do the Reading Quiz on Angel.
  • You do all other work in Eclipse in the project that you checked out for that session or will check out per the homework instruction.
  • Unless otherwise specified, follow the template given in this document for solving each programming assignment.
  • You turn in your Eclipse work by committing that project:
    • Right-click on the project name in the Package Explorer view.
    • Select Team ~ Commit
    • In the message box that appears, put a message to yourself if you wish (eventually, these messages will be for your teammates) and press OK.

  1. Complete the assigned reading for the next session (Zelle sections 9.4 - 9.6).

    Read it very carefully to understand the top-down design process. Come to class prepared with questions on anything you do not understand. For Session 15, we will assume that you have read and understood whatever you do not ask about; we will spend most of the class time developing another (and more complex) example to reinforce and extend what you learned by reading.

  2. (4 pts) Complete the ANGEL  quiz over the reading assignment.  You'll find the quiz on the course Angel page, under Lessons → Homework → Homework 14 → Simulation and Design III
  3. (5 points) Before the Session 15 class, complete the Team Preference Survey on ANGEL to indicate who you'd like/not like to work with on the major team project.  Even if you have no preferences, you should fill out the survey to let us know that.
  4. (65 pts total) You must do this program using Eclipse and the project that you checked out in class. Within that project, open the file Module2_NestedLoopsPatterns.py. It contains a template for the rest of this assignment.
  5. (2 points) We will write the function rectangleOfStars together in class. Make sure you understand how it works. Ask for help if you're confused.
  6. (5 points) Based on rectangleOfStars, fill in doc-comments and code for the function triangleOfStars. This prints out a triangle-shaped grid of stars. For example, the code:
    should produce the output:

    After testing and debugging this function, commit your work to your Subversion repository.  Be sure to enter in a sensible log message as the course staff will review the messages.

  7. (5 points) Now make a function called triangleSameNumEachRow. This function will be like triangleOfStars, except each row shows its number, rather than asterisks. For example, the code:
    should produce the output:

    After testing and debugging this function, commit your work to your Subversion repository. Be sure to enter in a sensible log message as the course staff will review the messages.

  8. (5 points) The next function, triangleAllNumsEachRow, is like triangleSameNumEachRow, except that each character is its position from the left, instead of from the top. For example:
    should produce the output:

    After testing and debugging this function, commit your work to your Subversion repository using a sensible log message.

  9. (7 points) The next function, triangleNumsRightJustified, is like triangleSameNumEachRow (from problem 6, not the previous problem), except that the triangle is right-justified. For example:
    should produce the output:

    After testing and debugging this function, commit your work to your Subversion repository using a sensible log message.

  10. (10 points) The next function, triangleNumsCentered, is like triangleNumsRightJustified, except that the triangle is centered and includes spaces. For example:
    should produce the output:
    2 2
    3 3 3
    4 4 4 4
    5 5 5 5 5
    6 6 6 6 6 6
    7 7 7 7 7 7 7
    8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
    9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

    After testing and debugging this function, commit your work to your Subversion repository using a sensible log message.

  11. (5 points) The next function, numbersConstantForward, takes three arguments: the number of rows, a maximum number to display, and a number of occurrences. The function displays a block of numbers. Each row should be identical and consist of the given number of occurrences of each number from 1 to the maximum number. For example:
    numbersConstantForward(4, 7, 3)
    should produce the output:

    After testing and debugging this function, commit your work to your Subversion repository using a sensible log message.

  12. (6 points) The next function, numbersConstantBackward, is just like numbersConstantForward, except the numbers go from the maximum number down to one. For example:
    numbersConstantBackward(4, 7, 3)
    should produce the output:

    After testing and debugging this function, commit your work to your Subversion repository using a sensible log message.

  13. (5 points) The next function, numbersIncreasingForward, also produces a block of numbers. But it takes just two arguments: the number of rows to print and the maximum number, n, to reach. Each row should be identical and consist of a single 1, a pair of 2's, and so on, up to n occurrences of the number n. For example:
    numbersIncreasingForward(5, 6)
    should produce the output:

    After testing and debugging this function, commit your work to your Subversion repository using a sensible log message.

  14. (5 points) The next function, cartesianProduct, takes just two arguments s1 and s2: each of them is a list. It creates and returns a list of all of the ordered pairs whose first element is from s1 and whose second element is from s2. For example:
    cartesianProduct([3, 4, 5], [7, 8, 9, 10])
    should produce the output:
    [[[3, 7], [3, 8], [3, 9], [3, 10]], [[4, 7], [4, 8], [4, 9], [4, 10]], [[5, 7], [5, 8], [5, 9], [5, 10]]]

    After testing and debugging this function, commit your work to your Subversion repository using a sensible log message.

  15. (10 points) The final function, triangularPyramid, uses nested loops with graphics, rather than printing text. The function takes a single argument, n, giving the height of a pyramid made of triangles. It should create an appropriately sized graphics window and draw a pyramid of triangles in the window. Each triangle should be the same size, with a single upright triangle in the top row, two in the second, and so on down to n upright triangles in the bottom row. (Hint: you don't need to draw the upside-down triangles explicitly.) You can choose how narrow you want your triangles to be; we chose the height to be half the width of the triangle. For example:

    could produce the output (color and thick lines optional):

    Include a getMouse() call at the end of your function so the graphics window is displayed long enough to be seen.

  16. BONUS: (5 points) Decorate your pyramid with flags or poles. Hang them using loop patterns, of course. You could even hang photos (zellegraphics accepts GIF format only) on the poles.
  17. Submit your code by committing the final version to your Subversion repository.