Test Cases and Results

Type of Test Case: <Fill in with "Validation", "Integration" or "Unit">

Web Calculus

<Test Case Authors>

<Note: everything surrounded by <> is either a placeholder to be filled in or a comment to be deleted when submitting the project plan.>

Test Table

<The test table has the following entries: Entries should be organized well so that similar tests are close to each other.

If the test is executed several times, then each execution should be recorded underneath the corresponding test entry by adding an additional row and recording the Tester, Date Executed, and Actual Result.  If the Tester doing the additional execution deletes or adds input items to the test case, then record that in his/her Input / Expected Output column.

In order to keep the table as small as possible, each entry should correspond to a test case that thoroughly checks one element, subfunction, or sequence of actions for the item (the item may be a unit, integrated set of units, or the complete software). 

Use as many rows as you need.>
ID /
Input Tester Name /
Test Case Type /
Date Executed
Actual Result
  • <test case file number>.<ID> 
  • <brief description of the test> 
  • <input/output description> 
  • <input/output description> 
  • <Tester name> 
  • <MM/DD/YYYY> 
  • <pass item and result> 
  • <fail item and result> 
  • <test case file number>.<ID> 
  • <brief description of the test> 
  • <input/output description> 
  • <input/output description> 
  • <Tester name> 
  • <MM/DD/YYYY> 
  • <pass item and result> 
  • <fail item and result> 
  • <test case file number>.<ID> 
  • <brief description of the test> 
  • <input/output description> 
  • <input/output description> 
  • <Tester name> 
  • <MM/DD/YYYY> 
  • <pass item and result> 
  • <fail item and result> 


<The table entries are:

Place a 0 in each column if no tests have been performed yet.>
Total Number of Test Cases Total Number of  Test Cases Executed Total Number of Test Cases that Completely Pass Total Number of Test Cases with Failures
<# of test cases> <# executed> <# passed> <# failures> 

  Last Updated: MM/DD/YYYY