Rose-Hulman Alumni Representative to the Board of Trustees

Dan Price

Dan Price, '75

Blue Ash, Ohio


Marie Stettler Kleine

Marie Stettler Kleine, '14, ME/IS

Evergreen, CO


Chris Inman

Chris Inman, '00

Salt Lake City, Utah


Rose-Hulman Alumni Representative to the Board of Trustees

Revised – November 27, 2017

Submit your application to be an Alumni Representative to the Board of Trustees

The Alumni Representative to the Board of Trustees shall have graduated with at least a bachelor’s degree from Rose-Hulman. They shall possess the skill set needed to represent the Alumni constituency effectively. They will have a willingness to meet the travel, financial, and time requirements of the position in accordance with Board expectations.

Length of Commitment:
The term of this position is 3 years. It will begin with the Homecoming meeting after selection and continue through the spring meeting of the 3rd year (a total of 9 full Board meetings).

As Alumni Representative to the Board of Trustees, you will represent the interests of alumni by sharing the needs, expectations and perspective that you have gained through your communication with the alumni base and your experiences in industry. This representation will be accomplished via:

  • Acting as a full voting member of the Board of Trustees
  • Attending 3 Board of Trustee meetings per year. Meeting dates are shared approximately 2 years in advance on the Board of Trustees website. Meetings are typically held Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
    • Fall Meeting – On campus
      • Usually held the Thursday before Homecoming weekend. This will be your first Board of Trustees meeting if selected.
    • Winter Meeting – Off-site retreat
      • Recent locations: Naples, FL, San Diego, CA, Scottsdale, AZ, Houston, TX
      • Usually in February
    • Spring Meeting  – On campus
      • Commencement weekend. Always Memorial Day weekend.
  • Attending required committee meetings occurring ahead of full board meetings either via conference call or in person on campus.
  • Meeting the financial obligations
    • As an ex-officio member of the Board of Trustees as related to giving the required donation is a minimum of $500/year.
    • The representative to the BOT is responsible for their own travel and lodging expenses for all meetings
  • Attending AAB meetings in person or via phone conference in order to understand the concerns coming before the AAB as well as relay key messages from the BOT. Dates for the year are typically set a year in advance.
    • Summer Meeting – (location varies)
      • Typically a Friday afternoon in early August
    • Fall Meeting – (location varies)
      • Typically a Friday late October, early November
    • Spring Meeting – On Campus, same day as Alumni Awards
      • Typically a Saturday late March/early April
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