Twisting Wrench

Typically, twisting wrenches look like this one which I ordered from "Poor Boy Blacksmith Tools." Don't get me wrong, the wrench was fully functional. However, I believe in nice tools - somehow, I do better work when I work with them. So I took it apart. I like the original handle on it, but it broke when I took off the nut at the end. Since I did not have time to turn two handles and make a rather complex nut, I decided to use screw-on file handles. I had to shorten the original handle bar and I also shortened and ground down the welded handle bar. In this process, I cleaned up the weld and rounded off the top and bottom of the welded handle. I used a die to cut a thread onto the handles; I felt that this way, the handle would lock on more securely. I drilled the handles to almost all the way through, and filled them with epoxy before attaching them.