Snow Crash Glossary


Animercial. An-ah-mur-shul. Noun. Comes from the words animation and commercial.  An ANIMERCIAL is an animated 3d advertisement in the metaverse;  such advertisements are often large and intrusive. The origin of this word suggests an animated advertisement such as a TV commercial. (See page 35)

Arachnofiber: Noun. an extremely strong cloth that is thin, lightweight, bulletproof, and breathable. Found on page 1 when describing Hiro's clothing. Derived from spider and fiber.

armorgel- Protective substance of semisolid, gritty consistency. From armor + gel. See page 1.

Bimbo-Box  (n)  1. A cheap vehicle used by non professional drivers, commonly disgruntled parents, as a chore only  He cuts off a Bimbo-Box - a family minivan...  Derived from the words bimbo, describing the driver, and box, describing the general shape of the vehicle 

Burbclave- An autonomous community; city-state. From suburb + enclave.  See page 6.

Deliverator: Noun. A pizza delivery person for Cosa Nostra Pizza. Sole job is to deliver a pizza in under 30 minutes at all cost. First found on page 1 when introducing Hiro. Derived from deliver and terminator. The terminator suffix refers to the awesome power used to simply deliver a pizza.

Franchulate. Fran-chew-lat. Noun. Comes from the words franchise and consulate. A FRANCHULATE is a specific office or operation belonging to a franchise company. EXAMPLE: Nova Sicilia #4649 is a franchulate of the Nova Sicilia franchise. The origin of this word suggests a country-oriented approach to franchises, and seems almost colonial. (See pages 129 and 135).

Harpoon n. - Projectile electromagnet attached to a fiber. Based upon the whaling harpoon, a projectile sharp thingy (a big nasty barbed spear that is painful). The electromagnet version can be easily released unlike its predecessor. Page 13.

Infocalypse (n):  a combination of information (data) and apocalypse (the end of the world); the end of information, used in conjunction with Babel, which relates to the confusion of language; informational disaster.

Infocalypse - derived from information and apocalypse. End of the information world, the Metaverse. Pg 64 + back of book.

Loglo  (n)  1. A dense matrix of logos that is used for advertising purposes  The loglo is a body of electrical light made of innumerable cells, logos.      2.  The light eminating from the loglo matrix This light, known as the loglo, fills in the shadowy corners of the unit with seedy, oversaturated colors.  Derived from the words logo and glow