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Z(v$+5 Hold [SHIFT] and click on the video to set origin. $N : Hold [CTRL], click, and drag to calibrate x coordinate. $N 9 Hold [ALT], click, and drag to calibrate y coordinate. $N > Hold [CTRL] + [ALT] and drag to calibrate x and y together. $N ; Click on the test object in each frame to take the data. $N 8 The frame will advance with each click automatically. $N 7 To select frames use the scroll bar under the video. A@D Take Data f(dReady Z(v% Click [Take Data] Button to begin.A@DkHo@X |dIf end of video...ressedKTNo shift buttons pressedF @ @!B 4/If the end of the video has not been reached...$'f2Stop taking data... ~'" Set X origin '* Set Y origin'@kKTShift button pressed*This will jump to any frame in the player.nkoP f"If togglebutton is down...k@o8 |'.'*Set a shift state for all functions to useko f"If togglebutton is down... | f"If the togglebutton is down...te x)kk !When mouse moves on the player...KTACTRL & ALT (2 + 4) buttons pressed (calibrate x & y units/pixels)] @+Calibrated Ratio of X distance units/pixelskH>Any questions, suggestions, bugs, or errors can be emailed to:$ $',nko]@Pixel where X = 0 f"If the togglebutton is down...ce@]@@XPixel Distance from Ymin to Ymax is used for calibration of X coordinates to real scale. t]@XPixel Distance from Xmin to Xmax is used for calibration of X coordinates to real scale.]@XPixel Distance from Xmin to Xmax is used for calibration of X coordinates to real scale.]@XPixel Distance from Ymin to Ymax is used for calibration of X coordinates to real scale.]@h$8State of CTRL, ALT, & SHIFT keys when mouse down occurs.KT.CTRL button pressed (calibrate x units/pixels) F $N$L'J7This creates an array pre] +Calibrated Ratio of Y distance units/pixels4When a mouse button is pressed down on the player...tton i( ~ " X , *  X ) Z(vU8Display the X and Y coordinates in the Excel status bar. ~ " '  Set Xmax to start drag to pixel.he p ~ " '"Set Xmin to start drag from pixel. *  '( Set Ymax to start drag to pixel.4When the mouse button is released over the player... .'|'GSet the mouse up shift state to the same as the mouse down shift state. *  '&"Set Ymin to start drag from pixel. 4!8!: H ,RB,Put the frame time of the video in column B.oWhen a single mouse click occurs on the player (remember that mouse down and mouse up have just occured too)...'HF H %RF H 'HFG(Find next empty cell on sheet1 column B. .'|'HSet the shift state to the same state defined by the mouse down event... ~ "  $ H ,R8,Put the calibrated X unit value in column C. *   , H ,R8,Put the calibrated Y unit value in column D. @ '@04Advance one frame (See ScrollBar1_Change Subroutine)( ~ " X , *  X ) Z(v]Set Excel status bar to (0,0)-NOTE: This is not a WMP built in subroutine. 4!6If there is a video loaded... X b(d"Display File Name above player.Bar1 iP{Any time the ScrollBar1 changes this will occur whether it changes because the user moves it or it happens programatically.\2Se 4!<!> 2 @!B 4!8(:\MSet current time in video = time of frame desired. (Or display desired frame).ocx @!pA@0&.Select frame defined by ScrollBar1's new value97C84Movie Files (*.avi),*.avi Z%\'XE1Get movie file name with Windows Open File dialogb  X$`$^STRING.5If user did not hit CANCEL on the Open File dialog...G) ^ % Click [Take Data] Button to begin.A@DDGive an instruction.? p b!dA@j!oThis causes a pause time for the computer to load the video. (If you find a better way to do this let me know.), 4!<!> 4!l!n @(BWESet Scrollbar maximum value = the number of frames in the movie file. @(pDPut the movie in the first frame. (See ScrollBar1_Change Subroutine)'"3Set origin and calibrations all to 0 for new movie.N3Toggle button will switch to True or False on clickV f!p(If button is clicked down...\ Give the user some instructions.d 2If button is clicked up reset everything to ready.i1Puts instructions in column A starting at row 26.kay01001@byui.eduEVideo.xlt was created by Justin Kay, Brigham Young University - IdahoKT-ALT button pressed (calibrate y units/pixels) $+KWithout this check the program could have an error because of user input...ILast Updated: 8/9/2005 (Yes I found a bug the day after I presented it.)FIt uses a new row when a carriage return character (Chr(10)) is found. Numeric Distance:$'82If the user hits cancel the InputBox returns NULL. $+KWithout this check the program could have an error because of user input...um H %R#FThis while loop clears the cells below the new instructions if needed.umNumeric Distance:$'82If the user hits cancel the InputBox returns NULL.Numeric Distance:$'72If the user hits cancel the InputBox returns NULL. $+KWithout this check the program could have an error because of user input...do     ( &  $'$P0myInput must be numeric or program has an error.t     ( &  $'$O0myInput must be numeric or program has an error.or p     ( &  $',P0myInput must be numeric or program has an error. P J(.This for loop puts the array on the worksheet..2005 AAPT Summer Meeting - Salt Lake City, UT.ָAttribute VB_Name = "She@et1" Bast0{00020820- C$0046} |Global!SpacFalse dCreatablPre declaIdTru BExposeTemplateDeriv$Bustom izD2ControlWMP, 1, 0, LibindowsMediaP`layerSBc$lBar!4, 3, MSForms,  ToggleButton_TakeD, 7, &$&Label_URL, 68, 5"B@'Video.xlt was ckQby JMin Kay, Brigham You ng UnZrsity - Idaho '2005 AAPT Summer Mi@ - Sa@L2 C , UT. Any questionFsuggbugor error%an be email@'to:kay01001@byui.eduLast Updd: 8/9/&(Y@es I f/d a  the day aft@+I presentit.) 0 P XZmAA@g 'Pixel Distanfrom toax Pis uf0c@alibra9 of X coordin@s @\l s@ e@E3@on_Forg Owhere= 0 "ubl0ic XADoe 'Cd'R!d$uniPts/p&s*Y* N$Ym**_*_?9vGY-*Y*Y*f Y *nShiftStValuNej:3CTALT, & SHIFT keysB =n moW @Gccurs S6Sub!_Select_Fr̈(By my!ALongh'Thawill jump^af> jp @` 'N8OTEvbnontuvi`subroutine If.` <> "" Then '@ Wa v loaded.. !Ka` .ds. r Po@`3Q.du$y*f/Ǻ1.MT'Set  ti`#= desi@. (Or:u!!  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'G @$ ٦_q.Enᅹ 'Alq)#АMsgBox o/caGp3SA;20om`;Pz]rUPT0y0ou f JbetHw@do `lY0Yknowa/1gB\= I8nt(__netB.encoe;oeP*A`3bar Ћimum vay``1numbp `qY m/- S}= 0 '\(`ffirsFtc Seej_Chan[ =d'Give the us@er som/sPtruc"s.DisplayIn  "qHold [SHIFT] and n+ videosetigin." + Chr(10)_y&1@CTRL],/,!4drag-calibrate x coordiFn3ALTy[3?[3TRy8ge@Sr4C%kcteobjecteaQtBdAhãadvanceth  autom@lly3To sel/-s-sB bar und7E|vup reTeverythr@ready(`yA(!yxvrR k#8[a] a6bei#hBE`oIf Sub Pr ivb WMP"_b (By nAs Inte ger, $ShHifte fBXLongfY%) 'Wa s(le EccursQ4(rememb="6a!Bbmo3hajuWá@too)F5 ft'.n= 'SJs# s@`s$defin}bv `KntjS#YCa 롢0'N`_bs pVsed i`1: Whi 0Sheet1.Cells(i, 2) <> "": i EAeG'Finext empt7`5sB`lumn BHb a =!N.Conts.@?rentPosi! )ri ofbycƠco3)`(`S- Xorg) x* X` 3bd X Bit va|gC } 4bY - fYaYohd YoDo +~< .MaxH, %has not be`0Kchedmz& h=hQ D'AD[one\(Seeh_Changubrout.?V ? dOUgs'Stop i!Yiɕ$ Oqr31'r= ??30Q#w`$>XĊ5= Y_Ԙ"(uStr*+ |",𔐑&)"Exce0ân@j(0,0H_rE rOaAaM1VDaaafcba a#Qa6#]1^w>]j^#k]fa`funAwiW!XmD X@"$#QPbrt bfrom pixel?Y3R~rMovegvSm ~Os_Ole!nz_5_5_5r[T5DbgXYsQ1j7$OO5Up/////' 5r@d rRc__Do5o5 #-  plw2X3Xm0q?7Q[37  Ymax = Yorg - fY 'Set to start drag 4pixel.Select Case nShiftState@:2 'CTRL button pressed (calibr3 x units/cs) CGmyInputBox("Numeric Dince:") 'If the @user hR 4cal: returns NxULLh4!I s.(<) Then 'WithoDthis check-program could have an error becaG ofKid..<>Xsx/ Sqr((X- Xmin) ^ 2 + (-ք C~must; nBPhasM End Ifq@4 'ALTpyppAPppYpt pC6& A9(H4)D:sr& :sss:trss ss:CԃDK!?wôcub # ) A ! 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&H00000001={3832D640-CF90-11CF-8E43-00A0C911005A};VBE;&H00000000 &H00000002={00020818-0000-0000-C000-000000000046};Excel8.0;&H00000000 [Workspace] Sheet1=22, 29, 694, 476, Z ThisWorkbook=88, 116, 1124, 850, Oh+'0HPh Video AnalysisJustin Kay, BYU Idaho Justin KayMicrosoft Excel@)/@f? DocumentSummaryInformation8CompObjm՜.+,0 PXl t|  BYU-Idaho Sheet1  Worksheets F!Microsoft Office Excel WorksheetBiff8Excel.Sheet.89q