MA 342 Syllabus

Computational Modeling

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This course will focus on the use of computational software, particularly Matlab, to create, refine, and interpret models. Much of the work will be groupwork done in-class and so attendance is essential. Clear any absences with me in advance. Your grade will be determined by your quiz scores (20%), your scores on write-ups/presentations of your group's computational investigations (50%), and class participation (30%).

Friday  30 March: Write-up  I Due.
Friday   6 April: Write-up II Due.
Friday  20 April: Short Write-up I Due.
Monday  23 April: Quiz I.
Monday  30 April: Write-up III and Presentation Due.
Tuesday 15   May: Write-up IV Due.
Thurs.  17   May: Quiz II.
Monday  21   May: Write-up V Due.
