Sorry, your browser doesn't support Java. ; Message for no java browsers.   Photograph of a gas leakage induced variations in the atmosphere from a cigar lighter obtained with electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI)

(To see more effects of water ripple on the picture just drag your mouse over the picture)

Photograph of the fundamental mode vibration for a steel drum in the F# musical note obtained with ESPI

One of the Applied Optics Lab at Rose-Hulman

Research Interests:

bulletCopies of some articles
bulletSpeckle (Introduction and author's work)
bulletHolography  and Holographic Optical Elements (Author's work)
bulletInterferometry and Optical Testing (Author's work)
bulletOptics Education (Introduction and author's work)
bulletPhysics Education (Introduction and author's work)

This page is maintained by Charles Joenathan
Last update 03/03/003
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