PH112  Further instructions on laboratory write-up



1) Be prepared for the lab by already having read through the laboratory handout. Before you begin the lab you must have the title of the experiment, objective, introduction, and theory of the experiment entered in the lab book.



1. Title of the experiment:                                                      Your name:

Partners' name:

Date and time:


2. Objective of the experiment:


3. Introduction:


4. Theory:


2) The data should follow the theory section.



5. Data


3) Perform the experiment according to the handout. Enter the data in the lab book in an orderly fashion.  For example make a sketch of the graph or plot, write down the equations for the best fit curve, and explain briefly what you are doing step by step.  Do not forget to save the data on a disk and record the name of the file in your lab book.


4) During the lab you will be performing only the preliminary analysis. The equations you have entered in the lab book should be used with the data when analyzing it on a spread sheet. 


5) Make a plot of the graph you are analyzing and reduce it to 3' x 5'. Tape the plot to the lab book at the appropriate section in the analysis.   Also, perform linear regression on the data. The output of the linear regression must be cut and taped at the appropriate section in the write-up. Provide some sample calculations and error analysis.



6. Analysis. (plots from the spread sheet, sample calculations, and error analysis)


7. Discussion/Conclusion


8. Your signature                                                                           Your partner's signature