funded by NSF-CCLI grant DUE-0126687

Principal Investigator
David L. Finn
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Finn's Page | CCLI Info | Applets | Materials | Course Notes | Publications
In this applet, you create C1 cubic Bezier splines. To create a curve with L cubic segments you need to place 2L+2 control points. The first four points create a Bezier curve, but with the addition of two more points, you create two cubic Bezier curves using the first three points d-1, d0, d1 and the point ½d1 + ½d2 for the first Bezier curve and ½d1 + ½d2, d2, d3, d4. Adding more points, adds additional Bezier curves using the algorithm outlined in the course notes.
  1. Play with creating C1 splines.
  2. Notice how different the curve is from the Bezier curve with the same control points? What is significantly better about a C1 spline?
  3. Does a C1 Bezier spline have the same properties as a Bezier curve? (Convex Hull property, variation diminishing, pseudo local control, endpoing interpolation, prescribed tangent lines)
  4. Using C1 splines can you create a curve that is approximately a circle? If so how?
  5. Can you determine conditions on the placement of the control points so that the curvature is continuous? That is the resulting curve is C2?