Home Up ECE130 ECE200 ECE300 ECE333 ECE480 ECE481 ECE533 ES203


Course Resources

bulletFiles -- Distribution point for course-related files.
bulletMaple -- Includes helpful tips for using Maple in this class.
bulletMATLAB -- Includes helpful tips for using MATLAB, too.
bulletPSpice -- Location of the demo version, and useful tips.

Course Description

In ECE300 (Signals and Systems) you will learn a new way to view circuits. In ECE200 you viewed circuits as collections of resistors, inductors, etc. In ECE300, you will start to view them as systems ("black boxes") that accept inputs and produce outputs. We will first extend what you learned about power, phasors, and filter design. Then we will look at several ways to find the spectrum of a signal, and how a system might modify that spectrum. As in your previous classes, we will also continue to develop your ability to communicate technical information, hone your computer skills (e.g., MATLAB and Maple), and extend your laboratory experience to include synthesis and analysis of circuits.