
The Registration Desk will be open from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm on Friday on the first floor of Hadley Hall which is right inside the doors adjacent to the circle at the front entrance of campus. If you are pre-registered, you will be able to check-in and pick up all of your materials for the meeting at this location. At other hours, come to the math department which is on the 2nd floor of Crapo Hall.

If you don't have a registration form, you can download the registration forms as PDF files

Registration Form Instructions (PDF file)                Download Registration Form (PDF file)
or you can register by mailing the information below to or emailing it to

Send your Registration Form Instructions (PDF file)
Download Registration Form (PDF file)

Contributed Papers

Talks are solicited from students dealing with any aspect of undergraduate mathematics. The presentations, which will be 15  minutes (plus 5 minutes for questions), could include (but are not limited to) topics from algebra, calculus, geometry, history of mathematics, graph theory, graph theory, mathematical modeling, chaos theory and/or fractal geometry, probability and statistics, and other topics in mathematics. There is no registration fee for those students presenting papers and free housing will be provided for all students attending the conference. The title and a brief abstract should be submitted no later than February 28th, 2000.

Abstracts: For students who will present a talk, the title and an abstract should be electronically mailed to David Finn at    Please include requests for special equipment needs.