Digilent FPGA Board

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The Digilent FPGA board kits stocked by the Instrument Room contain the following components:

bullet Digilab 2E System Board (D2E Board) based on Xilinx Spartan 2E FPGA
bullet Digilab IO1 Peripheral Board (DIO1 Board) containing lots of LEDs, pushbuttons, and switches
bullet Digilab Breadboard (DBB Board)
bullet Power supply
bullet Parallel port cable


bullet Digilent, Inc. website, http://www.digilentinc.com/ -- Follow the "reference" tab, and look for manuals and schematics pertaining to the boards listed above. Alternatively, you can follow the "catalog" tab to select the board of interest, then click the "more info" button.
bullet Local Guide -- This Word document assumes you are already familiar with the Xilinx implementation tools, so only the essential new information is provided.
bullet Using Webpack ISE and Digilent FPGA Boards -- This Word document discusses the essential differences from the existing documentation for Foundation Series 4.2i software.

UCF Generators

These Excel spreadsheets greatly simply the creation of Xilinx user constraint files, or UCF files, to specify the appropriate FPGA pin number for a given Digilab circuit device.

TIP: Save the spreadsheet with your entered Verilog signal names to make it easy to change your mind later on.

bullet D2E System Board
bullet DIO1 Peripheral Board connected to D2E System Board
bullet DBB1 Breadboard connected to D2E System Board

Guidelines for Breadboard Projects

Please take a great deal of care to ensure that you do not damage our brand-new Digilent boards! The FPGA board is not easy to repair! You must observe the following:

bullet Test and debug your circuit on the DBB1 breadboard before you connect it to the D2E system board. For example, use a 74HC4040 counter to create digital stimulus when testing your circuit.
bullet Use 400- to 500-ohm resistors instead of wire to establish the connections between your analog circuit and the connector socket leading to the FPGA
bullet Do not use the red power bus on the DBB1 breadboard for any purpose, unless your circuit uses a +3.3 VDC supply and does not require a large amount of current.
bullet You must connect your analog circuit to the black ground bus, of course

The D2E system board connectors A&B use the same FPGA pins as the E&F connectors on the opposite side. This means you should use the C&D connectors for either the DBB1 board or the DIO1 board.


Verilog Modules


bullet Description:
bullet Accepts two 8-bit values on input, and displays the hexadecimal representation of each value on the Digilent DIO1 peripheral board
bullet Uses multiplexed display scheme with 100 Hz refresh to minimize flicker
bullet Connection requirements:
bullet 50MHz master clock
bullet Active-high master reset (all segments active on reset)
bullet All 12 lines of the four-digit seven-segment display
bullet Synthesizable module: digit_display.v
bullet Testbench for synthesizable module: digit_display_TB.v


bullet Description:
bullet Demonstrates operation of the "DigitDisplay" module on the DIO1 board and D2E board
bullet Displays the value of two 8-bit counters (one counts up, the other counts down) that start at intermediate values on reset
bullet Press the DIO1 "Pushbutton 1" to reset
bullet Synthesizable module: digit_display_demo.v
bullet UCF for synthesizable module: digit_display_demo.ucf
bullet Bitstream file (must connect DIO1 Connector B only to D2E Connector C): digit_display_demo.bit


bullet Description:
bullet Permits individual control over the display of each segment on the four-digit seven-segment LED display
bullet Accepts four 8-bit input values, where the most significant bit corresponds to the decimal point, and the remaining seven bits correspond to the segments "a" through "g". For example, the value 8'b10010101 will activate the decimal point and segments "c", "e" and "g".
bullet A "1" lights the segment, and a "0" turns it off.
bullet Uses multiplexed display scheme with 100 Hz refresh to minimize flicker
bullet Connection requirements:
bullet 50MHz master clock
bullet Active-high master reset (all segments active on reset)
bullet All 12 lines of the four-digit seven-segment display
bullet Synthesizable module: LED7_display.v


bullet Description:
bullet Demonstrates operation of the "LED7_Display" module on the DIO1 board and D2E board
bullet Rotates eight asserted bits through all 40 LED devices (4x8=32 seven-segment display segments, and 8 discrete LEDs)
bullet Press the DIO1 "Pushbutton 1" to reset (all LEDs light)
bullet Synthesizable module: LED7_display_demo.v
bullet UCF for synthesizable module: LED7_display_demo.ucf
bullet Bitstream file (must connect DIO1 Connector B only to D2E Connector C): LED7_display_demo.bit

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 ECE333: Digital Systems (W 2002-03)
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

For questions or comments regarding this web contact Ed.Doering@Rose-Hulman.Edu.
Last updated: 12/11/02.