CSSE-481: Web-based Information Systems - The Web of Smart Things

Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Computer Science and Software Engineering Department
Spring 2016/17


Michael Wollowski


CSSE 230, CSSE 280 or consent of instructor

Catalog Course Description

In this course, students learn about several aspects of research: thinking creatively about interesting research problems, researching existing work in a chosen area, and keeping current in a field. Students are exposed to the process of research by writing a pre-proposal for a project that advances the web. Projects either develop new web-technologies or applications or investigate a topic of importance. Based on feedback received, groups of students write a research proposal which goes through a formal peer review process. Approved projects are pursued for the remainder of the quarter. Students present current research as well as give a final presentation of their group project. Selected web-technologies are introduced; in the past, these have included CGI programming and XML technologies.

Aim of Course

This term, we will focus on the "Internet of Things". As more and more devices get connected to the internet, more and more data is made available to us. This course will explore the possibilities created when everyday things become connected to the internet and how this can create new ways for humans to interact with computation and for computation to enable human activities.

The goal of this course is to advance the web. The major objectives are to learn how to do research in the fast paced environment of the world-wide web, to study in detail some important areas of the web, and to develop or investigate a project that advances the web.

There are three major components of this course. During the first three to four weeks, we will dedicate most of our time to determining a worthwhile project that advances the web. These activities will culminate in a well-researched proposal for a project. The scope of the project may be too far-reaching to be accomplished in one quarter; that's OK. You may also decide to switch groups after the proposal. The main purpose of this endeavor is to determine and research an application, technology, or issue related to the web which advances the web or our understanding of it in one way or other.

At the end of the first three weeks, you will begin to work on one of the projects, whether you proposed it or not. We will also begin to study in more detail some important areas of the web. The project, which has to be approved by me, has to advance the web in one way or other. During the last week of classes, you will present your project to the class, and you will write a professional paper about your project. As part of the in-depth discussions about important areas of the web, you will be asked to present research papers and the contents of newspaper articles.

An important aspect of doing research in any field is to stay current in it. To this extent you are encouraged to give in-promptu reports on interesting developments, news, or simply interesting sites that you encountered.

Learning Outcomes

Students who successfully complete this course should be able to:
  1. Explain the current status and expected future directions of the internet of things.
  2. Identify and propose applications which advance the IoT.
  3. Develop applications which advance the IoT.
  4. Present their own work in a professional manner.

Description of Assessment Tools

The following assignments will be given in this course and used to assess the course objectives as indicated in the assessment matrix.

Assignments will be collected on our Moodle site.

  1. Slides, presentation and write-up justifying a project idea.
  2. Slides, presentation and write-up of a project proposal (several rounds, recruitment).
  3. Project software.
  4. Documentation of project through a technical paper and a slide presentation.
  5. Reviews of papers, videos and presentations about the Internet of Things.
  6. Essays about future scenarios of the internet of things in select application areas.
  7. Participation in class discussions.
  8. Take-home final explaining and justifying a likely future of the internet of things.


Project teams will consist of two to four people.

Grades will be posted on our Moodle site.

Project proposal process (A,B) 20%
Project and documentation (C,D) 50%
Reviews, Essays (E,F) 20%
Participation (G) 5%
Take-home final (H) 5%


The success of this course depends on your active participation in class. Please come to class prepared and do things that contribute to your learning and that of others.

Academic Integrity

Please consult the CSSE department's Policy on Academic Honesty as a rough guideline on cooperation.