CSSE463 – Image Recognition

Winter 2012-2013

All electronic submissions are due at 1:30 on the day indicated, unless specified otherwise.

Please note that future homework assignments are tentative based on previous course offerings. We may change assigned homework at any time before it is assigned. Schedule subject to change. Corresponding sections from Sonka, et al. are given at the end where appropriate.

Schedule last updated 21 January.

Week / Main topic Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday
1: Intro to images, color (1) 11/26: Intros, Images and color
Start Lab 1: Intro to Matlab
(Ch 1)
(2) 11/27: Color features
Due in class: Read sunset paper
Lab 1 due Weds 1:30 pm.
Optional help session Tues 10th hour, O259
(2,2, 2,4)
(3) 11/29: Connected components, morphology in Matlab
Start Fruit-finder.
(4) 11/30: Lab 2: Color
Laptops for every lab
2: Global and local features, edges (5) 12/3: Global and local operators, filtering (5.1, 5.3) (6) 12/4: Edge Masks
Lab 2 due (Weds, 1:30 always)
(7) 12/6: Edge features
(8) 12/7: Lab 3: Edges and filters
Due: Fruit-finder 11:59 pm
3: More features (9) 12/10: Region properties (perimeter, circularity) (8.1-8.3). Convocation schedule (10) 12/11: Spatial moments
Lab 3 due (Weds) (8.3)
(11) 12/13: Classification concepts (9.2.1) (12) 12/14: Lab 4: Shape.
4: Classifiers (13) 12/17: Test 1 (take home portion due now) (14) 12/18: Support vector machines
Lab 4 due (Weds) (9.2.4)
(15) 12/20: Finish SVMs and demo. Assign sunset detector (16) 12/21: Lab 5: SVM toolbox.
Christmas Break
5: Exam and sunset detector (17) 1/7: Neural nets (9.3.1) (18) 1/8: Neural nets and SVM, Lightning talks
Lab 5 due (Weds)
(19) 1/10: Lightning talks, assign teams
Exam Q&A
(20) 1/11: Lab: sunset detector
6: Segmentation and clustering (21) 1/14: Midterm Exam (22) 1/15: Project workday

Sunset detector due (Weds 11:59 pm)

(23) 1/17: k-means segmentation (9.2.5) (24) 1/18: Lab 6: k-means
Due: Lit reviews
7: Segmentation and object detection (25) 1/21: Template matching (6.4) (26) 1/22: Hough transforms (6.2.6)

Lab 6 due (Weds)

(27) 1/24: PCA and applications (3.2.10) (28) 1/25: Lab 7: Hough transform or PCA
Due: Project plans and preliminary work (Sunday, 11:59)
8: Motion and special topics (29) 1/28: Surveillance and image flow (16.2)
(30) 1/29: Aperture problem,
Motion vectors (16.3)
Lab 7 due (Weds)
(31) 1/31: Bayesian classifiers (9.2.2) (32) 2/1: Lab: Projects
Due: Status report (11:00 am)
9: Special topics and project work (33) 2/4: Adaboost (9.8) (34) 2/5: Lab: Projects (35) 2/7: Test 2 (36) 2/8: Lab: Projects
Due: Status report (11:00 am)
10: Presentations (37) 2/11: In-class presentations:
(38) 2/12: in-class presentations:
Cancer Detection
Stereoscopic Depth Mapping
(39) 2/14: In-class presentations:
Moving Object Detection
(40) 2/15:
Course evals on your own...
Where's Waldo?

Due: final project (code, report, and presentations), 11:59 PM