
Work on this exercise in the pairs assigned by your instructor, striving to use good principles of Pair Programming. Feel free to ask questions of your instructor, student assistants and classmates as desired.


The goals of this project are to:

Basic Specification

You will be given a real-life database on nutritional information. Your project is create an application that allows this data to be used in a socially beneficial way.

Guided database warmup

  1. A database is an organized method of storing and accessing a large amount of information.
  2. A table contains many records, each of which contains related information on a single line, like in a spreadsheet.
  3. Keys are used to identify data in a record.
  4. Flat databases keep all data in a single table. Relational databases break up data into separate, smaller tables to eliminate redundant information.
  5. Design of relational databases is complex and fun. However, we don't have time for that here (and that's why we have CSSE333).
  6. Things that we can do to a database include creating and deleting tables, editing, adding and removing records, and searching for information.

Your instructor will demo a database and explain the main parts of connecting to a basic database in Java.

  1. Please unzip the sample project in this folder into your workspace. It contains a simple (flat) sales database.
  2. Create a driver for the Sales database found in the project. Select Start->Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Data Sources; click Add; select Microsoft Access Driver; enter Sales for the Data Source Name; click select; browse into the SalesFlatDB project folder and select Sales.mdb in the left window. Select OK as often as needed to finish.
  3. Import the Project into your workspace; Run the program and study the code with your instructor.
  4. Please refer to the text for info on SQL commands, so you can modify your program to do the following:

Detailed specification

Refer to the MiniProject Specification file; go over it with your instructor.

Start working on your project, as directed by the specification.

You should be committing code via Subclipse to your team's repository at least at the end of every phase of the IEP. Format:

(where the 2 usernames are alphabetized).

Don't forget to check in your final project!


SQL Tutorial